Getaway - Noah x reader LEMON

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Requested by: Coolgirl96248
AU: After total drama


"And Y/N L/N is reportedly feuding with-"

"Y/N L/N pregnant?"

"Y/N L/N hasn't addressed that rumor about-"

You felt yourself break down, video after video those celebrity gossip channels made about you. None of them were true, and it hurt you so much to know that many people believed it.

Being a famous singer isn't as easy as it looks from the outside. You may be surrounded by many people who look up to you, have money, and live in a big house, but that didn't stop the chaos that comes with it.

Lately, the media had been spreading rumors about you. Because of that, many people started hating on you and some people would even go as far as stalking you. Just last week, you had to call the police on this guy for waiting on your front yard with a knife. It was exhausting, and on top of that, you had no privacy. Sometimes, you wished you could just be normal.

"Honey?" Your fiance, Noah asked, opening your bedroom door. "Honey, are you watching those gossip channels again?"

Noah did reality shows with Owen, while you were a singer. He loved his job and didn't have as much trouble as you. He did get nasty rumors about him here and there, but his situation wasn't as severe.

You and Noah had met back in Total Drama World Tour. He really liked your singing, but was too shy to tell you, until Owen blurted it out. You and Noah bonded quickly, after you started approaching him more, then got engaged to him, after dating for eight years.

You wiped your tears, then closed your laptop. "It's fine."

Noah shook his head, then walked to the bed, sitting next to you. He took your laptop, setting it on the bedside table. "It isn't, if it's hurting you. You need to stop watching those channels. I can see how much it affects you."

"It's hard, when I know people are saying things about me.. I don't understand why others would believe it, if it isn't true." Your voice cracked, then you started to cry. Noah hugged you tightly, and rubbed your back.

"Sometimes, I just wish things were like how they were before.. Before I went into the spotlight." You sobbed. Noah continued to hug you, and whisper comforting words to you.

After twenty minutes, Noah thought of an idea. Your sobs quieted down, and Noah smiled a bit, then pecked your cheek.

"How about we get away for a bit? Remember that private island we bought in the Carribbean last year?"

You nodded, then he continued, "Let's take a short vacation there. Your award show isn't until the next two weeks and I don't have to go back to filming until the new survivor series next month. Now is the perfect time."

"Okay." You agreed. You were happy you were able to get away from it all, even for a short amount of time. You and Noah spent the rest of the night planning the trip out, while packing.

The next day, you both got into your private jet to head to the private island. The paparazzi swarmed you and Noah, yelling out unnecessary questions. Noah protectively put his arm around you, guiding you into the jet, while you shook in agitation. Sometimes you didn't mind the paparazzi, but now wasn't really the good time, especially with the media spreading rumors about you.

By the time you got into the plane, you leaned back, sighing in relief. Noah sat next to you, smiling.

"Now, the adventure starts." You smiled, and he nodded.

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