Not a tool - Topher x Chris' daughter!reader

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Requested by: Stephanieajasa

Setting: TDPI. For the sake of this story, let's pretend Topher stayed on the island for long. 

It was no secret that Topher was a huge superfan of Chris McClean and wanted to be the host of Total Drama. He had been practicing his hosting skills in his free time and was confident that he would be a great host.

Topher recently joined the new season of Total Drama called 'Total Drama Pahkitew Island.' He was excited to come face to face with the one and only Chris McClean, hoping to get close to him enough to take his place as the host. Little did Topher know, he was in for a high road. 

Topher immediately noticed you coming out of a trailer next to your dad's own. He assumed you were a contestant at first, but then Chris introduced you to the cast as his daughter. 

"No messing around, okay?" Chris told the contestants, protectively. "She's just going to be here for the summer with me until her mom comes home from her business trip."

You sheepishly waved to the cast, then walked away, not wanting to draw more attention to yourself. You've always had trust issues regarding meeting new people because most of the time, people tried to get close to you just to get to Chris. It sucked because you wanted to be your own person, not just be a label called 'Chris' daughter.' 

The contestants resumed their challenges, while you continued to explore the island, intrigued by the beauty of the place. Just as you were wandering off, Topher spotted you and decided to have a conversation.

 "So, you're Chris' daughter. That must be fascinating." Topher said, giving you a wink. You knew Topher was a super fan of the show and Chris, since you watched his audition tape with Chris. 

"Um.. Yeah." You mumbled awkwardly, with a hint of sadness. You walked away, wishing this could stop, but you knew it wasn't that simple. 

"Why don't we take a walk together? It's not that far and I'm just as curious about you as you are of me." Topher suggested, walking aside from you. 

You hesitated, but eventually agreed. You knew you couldn't let this go any longer.

Surprisingly, as you and Topher talked, you were captivated by his charm and he was easy to talk to. However, you were unsure of his intentions because of his unhealthy obsession with Chris. Topher was determined to prove to you that his intentions were pure, but you were unconvinced.

One fateful day, as you were walking along the beach, a giant shark came out of nowhere, swimming towards you at a dangerous speed. Before you could react, Topher grabbed you by your shirt, pulling you back. You felt your heart pound in your chest, as the shark jumped up, then back into the water. 

You turned towards Topher, giving him a grateful smile. "Thank you."

Topher smiled sheepishly, "No problem, Y/N. I know we haven't seen eye to eye, but I care about you and would like to get to know you."

You hesitated for a moment, before deciding to give the benefit of the doubt. "Sure, Topher. But no funny business, alright?"

"Deal." Topher promised, giving you a small smile as he nodded his head.

You and Topher then walked hand in hand along the beach, careful not to get too close to the water. Topher saw a shell in the sand then handed it to you. You smiled, putting the shell in your pocket as a symbol of the start of this newfound friendship. 

For the next three weeks, you and Topher grew closer. Topher spent more time with you, trying to break through the walls you had built around yourself. He would listen to your stories, support your dreams, and understand you on a deeper level. You both would have breakfast together every morning in your trailer, and you found yourself opening up more and more each day.

After Topher was voted off, he would regularly visit the island, much to your dad's dismay, because of Topher's close friendship with you. 

However, unbeknownst to you, Topher had been using your friendship to develop a business relationship with your dad. He had been talking to your dad, offering him advice and business opportunities, all while pretending to be a friend. Chris was oblivious to Topher's real intentions and only saw it as attention seeking. 

"Chris! Y/N says I'll make an awesome host. What do you say about that?" Topher grinned mischievously, when you were busy making breakfast for him. 

Chris rolled his eyes and ignored him, sipping his coffee. Topher frowned then continued to tell your dad stories about his time with you. Chris didn't care less or pay any attention to what Topher said and found it annoying. Topher's attempts never worked with Chris, despite Topher's successful friendship with you. 

Deep down, Topher felt a pang of guilt for what he's been doing, especially after he promised you could trust him after he saved you from that shark. He didn't know what to do or why he was feeling this way. However, he eventually realized that it wasn't about Chris anymore; it was about your connection and the feelings he felt for you.

"Y/N, I want you to have this." Topher said, handing you a necklace. It was a swan pendant necklace that had small glitters that shimmered under the sunlight. 

"Topher.. You didn't have to." You whispered, taking the necklace from his hands. 

Topher wrapped his arms around your waist. "I want to. You mean the world to me, Y/N."

"That's not what I heard!" Sugar sneered, giving you and Topher a sly smirk. "Your little boyfriend has been using you to get close to your dad! How does that feel now, pretty boy?"

Topher's heart sank and his guilt clouded his thoughts. He never wanted you to find out, especially since he had only recently learned from his mistakes. 

"Topher.." You mumbled, looking up at him in sadness. "Is that true?"

Before Topher could react, Sugar pulled out a list of emails she printed that Topher had sent to Chris. You read through them briefly in disbelief. 

"Keep your stupid necklace." You said, dropping the necklace, along with the printed emails onto the sand. You turned away, not wanting to hear another word from him. 

After that fateful day where you discovered Topher's true intentions, you distanced yourself from Topher and it irritated you that he still came to visit the island. You were close to telling your dad to make him go away, but you didn't want to come across as a brat. 

Topher felt a sense of loss that he had never felt before. He was more devastated that he lost you, rather than unsuccessfully becoming the next host of the show. He knew he had to make it right, but he felt it was already too late. 

One night, he found you sitting alone by the beach, watching the waves crash against the shore as the moonlight shined above you. His shoulders slumped as he approached you cautiously, placing a hand on your shoulder, "Y/N?"

You jumped a little, startled. You glared at him, "What do you want, Topher?"

"Can we talk?" He asked, feeling nervous and remorseful. 

"What's there to talk about?" 

Topher sighed, then sat next to you, looking sincere. "Y/N, I messed up royally. I know I used you after I promised I wouldn't turn out like everyone else.. But remember that necklace I gave you during that day?"

"What about it?"

Topher explained, "That day was when I realized how wrong I was and I did not plan on revealing my initial intentions. Y/N, I see you and like you as an individual, not just Chris' daughter. The times we spent together, all of it had nothing to do with Chris and that was when I got to know you as someone special. I acted like an idiot, and I'm sorry.. Do you have it in your heart to give me another chance?"

You sighed, feeling a mix of emotions. You knew it was going to take you a while to trust him again, as much as you had feelings for him too. 

"Topher, I need some time, okay? It's going to take a while for me to trust you again. In the mean time, I need to process everything that has happened and make sure I have a clear head. I'll call you as soon as I can."

Topher nodded in understanding. "Take your time, Y/N. I'll be waiting."

You both continued to sit there under the moonlight in silence, deep in thought. There was a lot of healing to do for both of you but you still had hope. 

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