An act - Duncan x Emo!reader

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AU: High school
Age: 17
Requested by: Samisweird69

''Are you excited for the party at Geoff's tonight?'' You asked your best friend, Gwen.

Gwen shrugged, and smiled. ''Not really. I'm just going because I have nothing else to do.''

You chuckled, ''Parties aren't really my thing, but-'' You bumped into someone, and groaned when you saw it was Duncan.

''Watch where you're going, freak!'' You snapped, glaring at the boy.

Duncan frowned, ''You watch it, rainbow streaks.''

Gwen awkwardly watched you two bicker in the hallway. ''I'm just gonna go.''

You both waited for Gwen to leave, then laughed together.

''It's funny whenever they react that way.'' You laugh, wrapping your arm around Duncan.

Duncan chuckled, kissing your cheek. ''They always do, babe.''

It was an inside joke in you and Duncan's relationship to act like you couldn't stand each other in front of others, but to act lovey dovey when no one was around. You both found others' reactions to be very funny, because they didn't know the truth about you guys. You knew you both would eventually have to cut the act, but you wanted to have a little fun with it for awhile.

You didn't think you and Duncan would go well together, at first because you felt you weren't his type at all, since you were into dark colors and bands. However, you were proven wrong, when he asked you out on a date, after really getting to know you.

''We better head to class.'' You sighed. Duncan nodded and walked with you, holding your hand, when no one was around.

You sat at your usual seat in back of the class, barely paying attention to what your history teacher was saying. You were busy daydreaming about scenarios that would never happen.

You were snapped out of your trance, when you felt something hit the back of your head. You saw it was a crumpled paper ball, then turned and saw Duncan smirking at you. You glared at him, opening the letter.

''Pay attention!''

You tried not to smile, as you wrote back to him.

''Fuck off.''

''You look beautiful by the way.''

You scoffed at the letter and threw it towards Duncan, but it hit DJ instead.

"OW! What did you do that for?" Dj asked, glaring at you.

You shrugged. "It was Duncan's fault. He started it."

"No, it was princess emo from hell over here that tried to hit on me." Duncan commented.

"Princess emo? Really?" You groaned.

"You forgot the from hell part."

"Y/N, Duncan, leave DJ alone and pay attention!" Your teacher scolded. You and Duncan just laughed, confusing everyone in class.


''Why can't you both just get along?!'' Geoff groaned, watching you and Duncan bicker over lunch.

''I can't stand her.'' Duncan stated, crossing his arms.

''And he's an asshole.'' You shrugged, picking at your food.

Geoff sighed and continued to eat his food. "Whatever you guys say. You two are totally into each other!"

"No, we're not!" You and Duncan said at the same time.

"Yeah, keep telling yourselves that." Gwen laughed.

You and Duncan glared at each other, but held each other's hands from under the table.

''Anyway, about that party..'' Duncan began, changing the subject.


Duncan gave you a ride to the party, and your friends teased you two about it, but you both insisted you still didn't like each other. Gwen and Geoff didn't buy the whole act, but let it go, knowing it was all bull.

To say the party was huge was an understatement. There were people getting drunk, making out in every corner, and dancing everywhere. The music was so loud that you could hardly hear yourself think, which annoyed you a bit.

Deep down, you knew it was a bad idea to come in the first place, because this wasn't what you were normally into.

You sighed, as you searched for a quieter place around Geoff's house. As you were walking, you spotted Duncan hanging out by himself behind the tree.

''What are you doing here?'' You asked.

Duncan shrugged. ''I just wanted to chill out for a bit. These people are idiots.''

You laughed, ''Yeah, they are. I wanted to cool off as well from these wannabes.''

Duncan smiled, ''Do you want to get out of here?''



You and Duncan, walked together from Geoff's house to find his car, under the stars, hand in hand.

''Hey look, there's Dj.'' Duncan pointed out, seeing Dj walking alone.

''That's strange. He's usually not alone out in the dark.'' You wondered.

''Let's mess with him.'' Duncan smirked.

You and Duncan hid from behind a bush, making creepy noises.

Dj looked around frantically, ''Who's there?''

''Dj!'' You yelled in an eerie voice. ''We are coming for you.''

''You better run or we'll get you!'' Duncan shouted, smirking.

Dj screamed and ran back to the party. You and Duncan gave each other a high five, laughing uncontrollably.

''Did you see his face?'' Duncan laughed.

''Priceless.'' You chuckled.

You and Duncan headed to his place and throughout the whole ride, you played your favorite songs, having deep conversations with him about life.


''That was kind of mean, what we did to Dj.'' You said, walking into Duncan's house.

Duncan replied, ''Who cares? I'm just glad I'm out of that stupid party.''

You took off your jacket and threw it on his bed. ''Me too.''

''I'm mostly glad I'm with you.''

You grimaced playfully at how cheesy that sounded. ''Gross.''

''Come here!'' Duncan laughed, tackling you. He tickled you, causing you to fall off his bed.

''You fucker! You're so going to pay!'' You yelled, in between laughs.

''Make me.'' He smirked.

You pulled him into a kiss, and you two cuddled for the rest of the night.

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