Peace - Cody x reader LEMON

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Requested by: Miss_Goldenberg

Setting: TD reunion party


"Cody! What have you been up to since Total Drama ended?"

"Is this who you chose over Sierra?"

Cody pushed pass the paparazzi on the red carpet, as he held your hand, trying to protect you from their interrogations. Cody enjoyed going to Total Drama's reunion parties, but he didn't enjoy the media always speculating on his life or that some of the pettiness from Total Drama's cast came back every year.

You and Cody hurried into the hotel, ignoring the flashing lights and shouts behind you.

"Hey Cody and Y/N!" Trent greeted you and Cody, as you both walked inside.

"Hey!" Cody smiled, giving Trent a high five. Cody pulled out a chair for you to sit, then sat next to you by the table. "How have things been?"

"Just released my second album!" Trent chuckled, "So far, it's been topping the charts! How about you?"

"Well, Y/N and I have just bought our first house earlier this year! It's by a beach, so Y/N and I spend a lot of time there." Cody smiled, putting his arm around you.


You and Cody began conversing with some of his friends he met during his time on Total Drama. All was going well until a fight between Duncan, Courtney, and Gwen broke out.

"Not this again." Cody sighed.

"You still kissed my boyfriend!" Courtney shouted at Gwen.

"I thought you two broke up!" Gwen yelled back.

The paparazzi then stormed into the building and began recording, and taking pictures of the whole incident. Soon, a lot of the other cast members were being interrogated about this incident by the paparazzi too. There were some questions about what each cast member witnessed, and what their thoughts were on the incident.

"Cody, you liked Gwen before! How did it feel when she decided to give Duncan a chance, but not you?" One of them asked.

"Gwen doesn't matter." Cody replied, glancing at you worriedly. "It hurt, but I eventually moved on."

The incident slowly died down with Courtney punching Gwen in the face, and Gwen spilling soda all over both Courtney and Duncan.

Sierra was in the crowd of the paparazzi and began recording the incident herself. However, once she spotted you and Cody, her eyes narrowed then she headed straight to your table.

"So, you're still with that girl you chose over me?" Sierra snapped, not bothering to address you by your name.

Cody sighed, "Sierra, I thought I made it clear that me and you were just friends."

"How can you say that? There's no reason for you to even like her!"

Cody began arguing with Sierra, and you looked down, feeling upset already of all the events of tonight. You liked going to Total Drama's reunions, but most of the time, some of the cast just acted petty.

After Sierra left, you leaned in to whisper into Cody's ear. "Want to get out of here?"

Cody glanced around the party, seeing several people already arguing; Leshawna was yelling at Heather, Gwen and Courtney were bickering, Duncan was pranking Harold, and Alejandro was trying to manipulate people again. Cody nodded, then got up to walk outside with you.

As usual, you and Cody were screamed at by the paparazzi with a million questions, but you both knew to just ignore it.


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