No matter what - Cody x suicidal!reader

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Requested by: Pika-Chibihiro 

Setting: Y/N's home 

Trigger warning and a little message if you struggle with this: This story contains graphic details of self harm and suicidal thoughts (As stated in the title). I hope this story provides you some comfort, even though I know it won't change your circumstances. I understand how sometimes we find comfort in fictional characters to feel a little better, and I used to find comfort in them too when I struggled with this in the past. It's nothing to be ashamed of, if it can help you smile a little. I'm sorry you're going through this. 

My messages are open if you need someone to talk to. Remember, you are not alone and I hope things will be okay for you soon. 

You let out another sob, feeling exhausted of all the events that happened today. You recently gotten into an argument with your friend, Natalie, some of your closest friends were siding with her, you have a strained relationship with your family, and you found out today you failed chemistry, and have to take summer classes. It was too much, and you felt all alone. 

 You have struggled with suicidal thoughts for years. You've heard 'It gets better,' but when? Your situation never seemed to change, and it only seemed to get worse over the years. You thought, "Why learn how to swim when I could barely push pass the waves?" 

You ignored the buzz from your phone, which signaled that somebody had texted you. You did not bother to look at it, and just continued to cry. You looked down at your scars, wincing at the sight of them. You did not understand why you hurt yourself, but you didn't know how to stop. It was like a cycle. 

After finally gaining the energy to get out of bed to check your phone, you saw the message was from your boyfriend, Cody, who you've been with for a year already. You sighed, and those doubts about your relationship began to creep in again. You never felt you were enough for Cody, no matter how much he assured you that you were. He never did anything to 


Cody gazed at his phone in concern, seeing you hadn't opened a single text from him, when you usually did. He didn't believe you were just busy because you usually would let him know before turning off your phone. Cody knew about your struggles for awhile, and always did his best to help you. 

He thought back to the last few days, and remembered that you seemed 'happier' than usual, almost as if you were putting on an act. Cody knew something was off, but you wouldn't tell him why you were suddenly so 'happy' all the time. Cody turned off his phone, then went to get into his car to check on you at your place. He prayed that he wasn't too late and that you were safe. 

Cody knocked on the door, and your mom answered it. 

"Hi Ms/Mrs. L/N." Cody greeted. "Is Y/N home?"

"Yes. She's in her bedroom." Your mom replied, letting Cody in. "I'm sure she's just doing homework right now." 

Cody nodded then walked upstairs to knock on your bedroom door. You didn't answer. He frowned in concern, then knocked again. 

"Go away." He heard you say from your room. He admittedly felt relieved that you had answered him, even though you hadn't opened the door just yet. 

"Y/N, it's me." Cody pleaded, feeling his heart break at your sobs. "Please open the door."

"Just go!" You began to cry even more, burying your face into your pillows. "Leave me alone!"

Cody tried opening your door, but you locked it. He tried again, "Please, Y/N. I love you, and I'm willing to help you. Please let me in. I love you."

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