Instincts - Noah x shy!reader

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Requested by: I_love_Racoons
Setting: TDWT - The Paris episode 

Note: For the sake of this plot, pretend the challenge didn't start right away in the Paris episode. 


Being shy doesn't mean you aren't open to new experiences and making new friends. Sometimes, being shy means you lack the confidence to approach people, or you're too afraid of what others might think. However, despite your shyness, it didn't take long for you to open up to people, but you tend to be awkward and naive. You stumble a lot over your words, end up talking about nonsense and you could be easily manipulated.

You're a little bit of a loner, and you don't tend to talk much, but when you do, it's usually something interesting or thoughtful.

You decided to step out of your comfort zone and join Total Drama's season called 'World Tour.' You wanted to make new friends and travel the world along the way.

Noah was a handsome and intelligent contestant that caught your eye, and you couldn't help but notice how much he reminded you of yourself. He was a bit of a loner and liked to read, which you thought was kind of funny.

Noah was drawn to your vulnerability and made sure to protect you from any possible threat. He was probably the only friend you've had here. Despite his sarcasm and introverted demeanor, he was the easiest person to get along with here.

As Noah watched you from the distance, he spotted you animatedly talking to Alejandro about your life back home at school. You were smiling, laughing and it was like your shyness disappeared. It was not unusual, since it wasn't hard for you to open up to people once they approached you. 

Noah narrowed his eyes, with his protective instincts kicking in. He knew Alejandro never had good intentions with anyone. 

"Hey." Noah said firmly, giving Alejandro a sharp glare. He gently pulled you away from him, leaving Alejandro there smirking at you.

"What was that for?" You asked, giving Noah a shy grin. 

"Stay away from Alejandro." Noah told you, cautiously. 

"Why?" You asked, glancing back at Alejandro who was watching you. 

"He's not a good person, Y/N." Noah explained, quietly. "He is known for manipulating other contestants, specifically women. It is best to keep interactions at minimum and do not share information with him. He's like Heather but with social skills."

You nodded thoughtfully, taking in Noah's words. You wanted to see the good in people, but you trusted Noah's judgment and believed that he was doing the right thing.

"Thank you Noah." You said, sincerely. Noah smiled, then held your hand as you and him talked for hours about everything until it was time to go to sleep. 

Noah knew you were something special and he was determined to make sure no one took advantage of that.

"Noah, Noah, Noah! We're going to Paris, aren't you excited? It's the city of love, and we're going to explore it together! I can't wait, Noah! We're going to see the Eiffel Tower, and the Arc de Triomphe, and the Moulin Rouge, and..." you exclaimed, doing an awkward dance of excitement. 

Noah sighed, cracking a small smile. He loved your excitement and how it overshadowed your shyness, but sometimes it worried him. "Yes, Y/N. I know. Settle down." 

"How can I? We're traveling the world, Noah!" You beamed with energy radiating off of you. 

Noah gently took your hand in his, then spoke softly, "Your excitement is adorable, Y/N, but remember we're in a competition where people can potentially take advantage of that. Keep it low."

"I'll try." You whispered, your shyness slowly coming back. You felt a bit embarrassed, but you knew Noah was right. You appreciated that you had someone like him to guide you. 

After the plane landed in Paris, you and Noah got off together. Noah made sure you stayed close by. He knew your excitement often got the best of you, and he wanted to make sure you were safe. 

"Y/N, my dear! I couldn't help but notice your passion for the city of love and traveling." Alejandro said, giving you a charming smile and wink. Noah was currently talking to Owen, completely oblivious to what was happening right now. 

"Yeah!" You exclaimed, as you forgot what you and Noah just talked about. "I've always wanted to travel."

Alejandro smirked, then leaned in closer to you, making sure Noah couldn't hear. "How about I show you around? We are in the same team after all. I'm sure Noah wouldn't mind."

You nodded eagerly and smiled, then Alejandro took your hand and guided you to explore Paris together, since the challenge didn't start yet.

"Y/N?" Noah called out, looking for you. His heart dropped, once he realized you weren't in the crowd. To make matters worse, he knew Alejandro was gone too. Noah knew exactly what had happened and he blamed himself, knowing he couldn't protect you, but he knew he wasn't too late. 

As Alejandro led you through the bustling streets of Paris, excitement and anticipation filled your heart. The city's charm and beauty surrounded you, but deep down, a nagging feeling of unease began to grow. You couldn't shake off the thought of how quickly Alejandro had whisked you away from Noah. Something didn't feel right.

Meanwhile, Noah's search for you became increasingly frantic. He darted through the crowded streets, scanning the faces of passersby for any sign of you. The worry etched across his face was evident, fueling his determination to find you before any harm befell you.

"May I say, you're a beautiful girl, Y/N." Alejandro told you, giving you a charming smile. 

You blushed, as he took your hands in his. Alejandro knelt down in front of you, locking his eyes with yours. "Stay here. I will get you a present, since you're a lovely lady."

You nodded eagerly and sighed to yourself, "He's such a sweetheart!"

However, Alejandro's intentions were far from sweet or romantic. Little did you know, Alejandro intended to get you lost in an unfamiliar city, so you would be unable to attend the challenge and get voted off. 

"Alejandro?" You called out. It has been fifteen minutes since he arrived with your gift. Panic surged through your veins, once you realized what he just did. He wanted to leave you in Paris to go missing. That was cruel, even for him. 

Noah's heart raced as he searched the bustling streets of Paris, desperately trying to find you. Panic gripped him, knowing that Alejandro had manipulated you and left you alone in an unfamiliar city. He blamed himself for not keeping a closer eye on you, but he was determined to make things right.

"Y/N?" Noah called out, his voice filled with concern. You turned to face him, an expression of relief washing over your features.

"Noah!" You cried out, your voice filled with both excitement and confusion. "Alejandro left me here and I was scared!"

Without wasting a moment, Noah closed the distance between you, his hands gently grasping yours. "Y/N, we need to get you back with the group. Alejandro can't be trusted," he said, his voice firm but filled with genuine concern.

"Noah, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you." You told him, your voice filled with guilt. "I wanted to see the good in Alejandro, but I was wrong."

Noah gave you a warm smile, and squeezed your hand in reassurance. "It's okay, Y/N. You were just excited about exploring the city, but please remember that sometimes people don't always have good intentions, especially people like Alejandro. I'm here for you and I'll protect you."

"Thank you Noah." You whispered. "I will try my best to remember that, especially now that I have you by my side."

As you walked back towards your team, Noah couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and determination. He knew he had to be there for you, to protect you from Alejandro's deceitful ways. In that moment, he silently vowed to keep you safe and help you navigate the challenges ahead. 

Noah knew that with time, your bond with him would only grow stronger then eventually into something more. He was determined to be there for you every step of the way. 

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