Better than I ever was - Trent x reader

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Setting: After Total Drama 

You got into your car as quickly as you could, trying to avoid the papparazzi to leave the award show. You knew your outburst was going to be spread all over the media, because that's what people want to hear about singers, about how much they mess up. Everybody just forgets that you all are human, and it's normal for humans to feel things like sadness.

The tears streamed uncontrollably down your face, as you started the car. You just wanted to get out of there, and be alone for awhile. 

You didn't understand why people could be horrible. When you went up on stage to receive your award, a bunch of critics complained that you didn't deserve it. You tried to ignore it, but it was difficult when so many people had so much to say about you. You were a new artist, so you weren't used to all this pressure. This was so going to be in the news, with more people giving you shit for even being upset about it. 

"What the fuck?" You groaned, feeling your car start to break down. To make matters worse, it was raining and you had to find somewhere to park before you ended up crashing. 

"Shit!" You screamed, hitting the steering wheel. You quickly slammed the brakes, parking your car at a nearby cafe. 

You dialed emergency assistance for your car, then decided to wait until they arrived. After thirty minutes, help arrived and you explained what happened then decided to wait inside the cafe. You could use a warm drink, anyway. You hoped no one would recognize you, since it was late at night. 

Once you went inside the cafe, you heard the most beautiful voice singing some songs you've never heard before. You glanced at who was singing, and you recognized the person as Trent, who competed in Total Drama years ago. Based on the show, you knew that Trent loved to sing and write his own songs, but you never thought you'd actually come across him. 

To your luck, not many people were here tonight, so you took your seat at the front table, near the stage where Trent performed. You smiled, feeling soothed by his voice. He was so talented. Why wasn't he a singer yet? 

You caught Trent's eye, and he smiled at you, clearly recognizing who you were. You shyly waved at him, causing him to chuckle and wave back. You stood up from your seat to order some hot chocolate then went back. 

You continued to listen to Trent sing, while you drank your hot chocolate and felt yourself relax a lot more. At that moment, you weren't thinking of your struggles as a new singer who was starting to become popular. 

After Trent was finished performing, he went up to you, "Hey, Y/N right?I've heard your album! It's amazing."

You chuckled, "Thank you, but.. You're amazing too."

"That's a big compliment coming from you." Trent beamed, looking excited. "Also, what brings you here? I know you had to attend an award show. And I don't mean to pry, but are you okay?"

You felt a little embarrassed that he saw your puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. You forced out a smile, "I'm fine, I'm just adjusting to being a new artist that's starting to become more well known."

Trent took a seat in front of you. "Try me."

You shrugged awkwardly, "Well.. At the award show when I was about to receive my award, I heard many people booing at me, and yelling that I didn't deserve it because I'm not as famous as the other artists there. I'm not used to that kind of criticism, so I just.. Broke down. To make matters worse, the paparazzi and news reporters caught everything, so I know everyone is going to give me shit for it."

Trent gave you a look of sympathy. "That sounds intense. I'm sorry you have to go through that. Just remember that even though there may be people who criticize your music, there are also people who love it. I mean, I love it. You're very passionate and unique."

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