Lost in the woods - Jo x reader

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Requested by: Cxsmicstxrz

AU: Adult

You have never been camping in the woods, and your girlfriend Jo wanted to take you, so you can have that experience. You were excited, because you always wanted to go on an adventure, but you've always stayed inside, focusing more on school. Jo always pushed you to step out of your comfort zone. 

You and Jo have been together for a year. You first met her at the gym, when you and your cousin were on the treadmill. You fell off, and Jo happened to be right next to you, laughing at how inexperienced you were. Instead of getting offended, you asked her to help you and since then you two have been an important part of each other's lives. She always had your back and you had her's.

"What are you most excited for?" Jo asked, glancing over at you, then looked back at the road. 

You thought to yourself, before responding, "I'm excited to have an adventure, especially with you. What are you excited for?"

Jo chuckled, "I want to work out. Imagine all the challenges we can face in the woods." 

You looked out the car, as Jo was driving. "What kind of challenges?" 

"You know, maybe wrestling a bear or being chased by wolves."

"Jo!" You exclaimed. "I don't want to wrestle a bear or get chased by wolves." 

Jo laughed, then reached for your hand. "I was just teasing. As long as you're with me, nothing can ever hurt you. I won't let that happen."

You smiled, squeezing Jo's hand. "Just.. Pay attention to the road, you dork."

Jo laughed, and you leaned back on your seat, thinking of every type of adventure you might possibly experience. You couldn't wait for it to happen. 

You stepped out of Jo's car, and immediately felt amazed by how beautiful the forest looked. 

"Wow." You whispered, gazing at the forest. From the distance, you could see the mountains, and you heard birds chirping, as the leaves fell from the trees. 

Jo smiled at your reaction. "You're so cute." 

You blushed a little, then went to help her get the stuff down from the car. You both walked into the forest, ready to have your adventure together. 

"Ahh!" You yelled, falling over. You looked up, seeing a giant spider in front of your path. Jo began to laugh at you, and you stood up, brushing the dirt off your legs. 

"That's not funny!" You cried, trying to hide your smile. 

Jo wrapped her arm around you, and said, "Stop being cute." You playfully shoved Jo, and giggled. 

Jo took out her map, and looked around the forest. "How about we camp near the lake? We can fish incase we run out of food, and it's close to the mountains."

You nodded, and followed her. 


It has been two hours, and you both still haven't found the lake. Your feet started to hurt, and you were exhausted. You checked the time and it was already 6:30pm. 

"Jo.. My feet hurt. Can we stop and take a break?" You asked, seeing Jo looking confused. Jo didn't answer and kept looking at the map. You touched Jo's shoulder, "Jo-"

"Not now Y/N!" Jo snapped, then crumpled the map, and shoved it in her pocket. "This thing is useless!"

You started to feel irritated. "Jo, maybe I can help-"

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