The good or The evil - Amy x reader x Sammy

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AU: High school
Age: 17

You walked pass Amy, hearing her yell at the other cheerleaders. You got in line, hoping to get on her good side.

"We got a football game coming up and you need to get your asses in shape!" Amy yelled, glaring at them. "You!" She yelled at Beth, then pointed to the end of the line. "Over there, now!"

Beth ran to the end, muttering "Bitch" under her breath. You laughed a little, feeling bad for her.

You all did warmups and practiced your stunts on the side. Everyone was struggling to learn the new cheer, so you practiced alone to get better at it.

You kept practicing and eventually got it. You didn't realize it, but Amy was watching.

"I'm impressed, Y/N." Amy said, surprising you. "You got the hang of the stunts quicker than anyone else."

You turned towards her, then smiled shyly. "Thank you, Amy."

She blushed a little and went off to check on the others.

You smiled to yourself, continuing to practice. You were a bit surprised at Amy's compliment, considering she was the biggest bitch in the school. However, you couldn't help but find her attractive too. 

After two hours, practice was over and you were waiting for your ride. 

"Bye, Y/N." Amy called, waving at you and walking to her car. 

"Bye!" You yelled, waving back. 


On your way home, you kept thinking about Amy and found her attractive. However, there was one problem.

You had feelings for her sister too.

You were in cheer with Amy and drama club with Sammy. You met both of the girls through there. Sammy was your best friend, whereas you barely talked to Amy. You only knew Amy as Sammy's evil sister and the cheer captain.


"Are you excited to cheer for the football game?" Sammy asked, walking with you to drama club.

You nodded. "I got the hang of the new stunts in practice yesterday. Amy.. well."

You noticed Sammy tense up a little. "It's okay, Y/N. You can tell me."

"Amy said she was impressed by me." You admitted, looking away.

Sammy looked down sadly, before giving you a small smile. "Well, that's good she's being nice to you. She is the cheer captain, after all."

You and Sammy arrived in the auditorium, placing your bags next to each other, before getting into costume.

"It's time to practice your monologues." Mrs. Q told the club.

You and your classmates waited to be called to go up on stage, each practicing different monologues. After it was Sammy's turn, Mrs. Q called you to go up.

You walked up on stage, feeling nervous about practicing in front of a bunch of people. You took a deep breath, shaking slightly, trying to focus on the wall from behind the audience.

Sammy smiled and gave you a thumbs up, "You got this, Y/N!"

You smiled at her, trying to feel confident. After a few seconds, you began saying your monologue.

" I am Mysterion. I have the power of not being able to die. No one knows or believes me, no matter how much I try to prove myself. They don't remember." You deepen your voice, and put on a serious expression. "Though I am only nine years old, I dedicate my life to fighting crime."

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