Why so nervous? - Jacques x Badass!Sweet!reader

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Requested by: Thatoneawesomeweirdo

Setting: Ridonculous race: New Beijinging and Bahamarama


"Whoohoo!" You screamed, as you jumped down the plane. Your cousin Natalie, who is your partner in the race, screamed in fear, but you just kept laughing, enjoying the thrill.

You and Natalie joined the Ridonculous race as the "Daredevils". Natalie wanted the million, but you mostly cared about the thrill and adventure. Every challenge didn't faze you, because that's what you came here for; the thrill. 

By the time you and your cousin landed in the stadium, you both ran to get the next tip. The ice dancers came in, afterwards, running behind you. 

"Y/N is too brave." Josee commented, glaring at you. You were too busy talking with Natalie to notice. 

Jacques looked at you, then felt his heart beat fast. He thought you were gorgeous, but he was too nervous to speak to you.  He was rather intimidated by your carefree daring nature. 

The next challenge was to eat exotic deep fried animals, and that admittedly grossed you out a bit. However, you were up for the new experience. Natalie skewered the remains, deep fried them, and handed it to you. You grinned widely, shoving it in your mouth. 

"Eww.." Carrie groaned, watching you. She threw up into her bucket and you laughed. 

Meanwhile, Josee narrowed her eyes at you in jealousy. She began to see your team as a threat. You were completing these challenges without hesitation, and getting ahead of them. 

"I don't trust that girl." Josee pointed out, while hitting Jacques and forcing the fried scorpion into his mouth. You glanced at them, frowning slightly. 

Your team and the ice dancers ran towards the rickshaws. Natalie got into the rickshaw, and you ran as fast as you could, pulling her. The ice dancers were beside you. Suddenly, Josee slipped on a banana peel, flinging Jacques onto the great wall. You gasped, and ran as fast as you could after him. 

"Are you okay?" You asked Jacques, helping him stand up. Jacques groaned, then widened his eyes in shock, seeing you were the one that helped him.

"I..I.. Well." He stammered, with his cheeks turning red. You tilted your head slightly in confusion, watching the boy stutter. 

"Why are you nervous?" You giggled. 

Jacques stood there in shock by your kindness. He thought you would be mean, but you weren't. 

"I..Um.." Before he could finish his sentence, Josee came and helped him into her cart.  She ran has fast as she could, with you following behind her, pushing Natalie. Afterwards, you all stepped out of your carts, making your way to the chill zone.

In the middle of this, you all realized you were going the wrong way, then headed the opposite direction. You groaned in frustration, and decided to put all your energy into the run.

After a few minutes, the Ice dancers arrived in fourth place, and your team arrived afterwards. Josee began throwing a temper tantrum, with Jacques standing there looking embarrassed. 

You giggled, then turned towards Jacques with a bright smile. "How's your ankle?"

Jacques smiled shyly. "It still hurts, but I should be fine."

"That's good." You replied, watching Josee continue her tantrum. "Does she always do this?"

"Yes." Jacques said. You giggled, then he sent you a nervous smile. From behind you two, your cousin Natalie smirked at you. 

As all the teams headed into the plane, you could still hear Josee muttering about being fourth place. Natalie sat near the window and you sat next to her, while Jacques and Josee sat beside you guys. 

When Josee fell asleep, Jacques leaned near you and whispered, "Thank you for helping me back there."

You nodded, "No problem." 

"You're beautiful." He blurted out, nervously. Once he realized what he said, he started stammering and apologizing. 

You shook your head, smiling at him, gently cutting him off, "Thank you."

You glanced at Natalie, noticing she was fast asleep. For the next two hours, you and Jacques talked and got to know each other more. Jacques realized that although you seem tough on the outside, you really were a sweet girl and he wanted something more with you. 

For the rest of the race, you and Jacques were secret allies. Josee didn't know, and you preferred it that way. Unfortunately, your team ended up being eliminated in the episode "Bahamarama", because you had to save Natalie from drowning, bringing your team, along with the sisters last place. 

"Y/N.. I need to tell you something." Jacques called, as you went into the elimation plane.

You turned, and gave him a sad smile. "What is it?"

"Once you come back to watch the finale.. I would like to take you on a date afterwards, if that's okay?"

You chuckled, then hugged him tightly. Jacques froze a little, slowly hugging you back. 

"I would love to." You smiled. 

"Okay, you're eliminated, remember?" Don reminded you. You shrugged then got into the plane. Jacques waved at your plane, as you departed away from the race. You sighed, lying back into your seat, already excited to go on that date. 

After the finale, where the Police Cadets won, you and Jacques decided to go surfing. He was having trouble, but you were patient with him in teaching him how to surf. You just wanted to show him a little adventure, even if it meant just trying things for the first time.

"Now, keep your legs still and let the waves be your guide." You told him. Jacques nodded, then eventually rode his first wave. 

"Did you see that?" He exclaimed, jumping a little. He then fell off his board, leaving a big splash. 

You laughed, as he got above the water, spitting out all the water. 

"Be careful next time!" You laughed. 

Jacques splashed water onto you, causing you to spit out water yourself. He laughed at the sight, as you playfully glared at him. 

"Payback." He teased. 

You jokingly rolled your eyes, and he gently grabbed your face. You stayed still as he leaned in, bringing his lips to yours. You smiled into the kiss, feeling the waves lightly move you both. Once you pulled away, you felt nervous for the first time in awhile. 

Jacques got on his board, grinning widely at you. "Why are you so nervous?" 

You chuckled, then splashed water onto him. "I should be the one asking you that!" 

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