Fishing - Josee x reader

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Requested by: Cxsmicstxrz

Setting: After the ridonculous race

You and Josee had very different careers. She was a famous figure skater, and you were serving active duty in the United States Navy. Sometimes these differences clash with your schedules, but you both always tried to make it work.

Josee met you, when you were swimming at a pool she usually went to relax in. At first, she didn't like you, but she was impressed by your ability to swim deep into the water. She kept asking questions, then you two would always hang out at that pool. You couldn't help but fall for each other after that.

It's been a year, since you saw her, so you were so excited to finally spend time with her.  After meeting with her at the airport, you both went to her place to rest before your date tomorrow to go camping at the beach.

"It's like the fish are too stupid to see there's bait." Josee huffed, putting more bait into her fishing line.

You chuckled, "Just be patient! You'll catch a fish."

Josee threw her line into the water, "Easy for you to say. You already caught three!"

You shook your head, "Yeah, but-"

"Wait, I think I got something!" Josee exclaimed, smiling at her line. She yanked it out, disappointed to see it was just more seaweed and rocks.

"Ugh! This isn't working!" She yelled, removing the seaweed.

"Babe, if you want to do something else, we could." You suggested.

"No! It's not fair that you are catching more fish than me." She snapped.

"This isn't a competition." You remind her, casting the line. To make matters worse, you caught yet another fish.

Josee glared at you, and you avoided her gaze. That's one of the things you didn't like about her. She just makes everything into a competition.

"It's getting dark." You pointed out, looking at the sky. You looked down at your watched and it was already 5:00pm. "We should go back."

"You can go back." Josee told you.


"You're going back to the camp, I'll be here fishing." She said.

You narrowed your eyes at her. "Okay then."

You drove the boat back to shore, then walked back to camp. You turned, watching Josee drive away into the dark ocean. Something told you this was a bad idea. Ignoring your anxiety, you decided to start a fire to cook the fish you caught. Josee would most likely be hungry by the time she's back and you wanted food ready for her.

"It's been an hour. Where is she?" You thought. You set the fish aside, then walked toward the water. Anxiety filled your chest, as you saw no sign of her or the boat.

You set your foot into the water, cringing at the cold. You laughed a little to yourself, remembering you dealt with worse in the Navy. You walked further into the water, then began swimming around to look for your girlfriend. The moon and the stars were the only light used to guide you in the dark waters.

After about thirty minutes, you found Josee still trying to catch that damn fish. You called out to her, but she didn't hear you. You swam closer to the boat, climbing onto it.

"Babe." You stated, walking behind her. She jumped a little, surprised to see you.

"How did you get here?"

"Of course I swam." You shrugged, folding your arms. "It's freezing out here, let's go back."

"I didn't catch a fish." Josee mumbled.

You groaned, walking closer to her. You gently took the fishing rod from her hands. "I don't care. I just want you back at our camp. It's not safe to be out here alone without a light."

"I just.. I wanted to prove to you that I can catch a fish." Josee admitted.

"Josee, you don't have to prove yourself to anyone, especially me. Besides, there are many more amazing things you're capable of." You chuckled. "I haven't seen you in a year and all I want is to be with you. Please, let's just go back."

Josee nodded, as you started driving the boat back to shore.

When you and Josee got back to shore, you both ate the fish under the stars. After Josee was done eating, she scooted closer to you, leaning against your shoulder.

"I really missed you." She whispered.

You smiled, putting an arm around her. "I missed you too."

"I wish you didn't have to leave again." She admitted. You were surprised at how open she was tonight, because she was the type to hide how she feels.

"I know, baby." You sighed.

Josee pulled you closer to her, and you smiled putting your head on her chest. She started braiding your hair, as she started talking about the upcoming ice dance competition. You frowned, remembering you most likely won't make it.

"All those moments I get to spend with you are more special to me than you know." You whispered. "And like the stars, they are there, even if you can't see them."

"I love you mon étoile." Josee smiled, kissing your forehead.

"I love you more."

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