Opera night - Poly!Justin x reader x Trent

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Requested by: Bella_lover69
Setting: The city

Justin and Trent were once part of a band called "The Drama Brothers." You were a close friend of Harold's, and when he introduced you to Trent and Justin, you all clicked and ended up forming a polyamorous relationship. You were all in love with each other and couldn't imagine being with anyone else.

You all decided to have a comfortable, yet classy date night at the Opera.  You all arrived early to grab a seat and enjoy a glass of wine before the show.

"This is awesome!" Justin chuckled, taking a seat next to you. You were seated in the middle with him and Trent. "What if we host out own opera?"

"Don't be ridiculous." Trent laughs, causing you to smile. "We don't have that kind of talent."

"I can still dream." Justin winked, leaning closer to you. "Who says we can't make that come true?"

Soon, the show began and the story of a romantic tragedy took place through the songs. You felt yourself start to tear up. Trent noticed this and chuckled, wrapping his arm around you.

"It's okay, Y/N." Trent whispered, "Remember, our story is better and it's real." You nodded, then continued to enjoy the show, with Trent's hand in yours.

The passionate performances resonate with each of you in different ways. Justin appreciated the elegance and grace of the opera, while you and Trent connected with the raw emotions portrayed on stage. You and Trent have experienced your share of heartbreak, so in a way, these moments brought you closer.

"Wow." You whispered, as you observed the climax of the show.

The three of you shared your thoughts and impressions about the characters, the music, and the overall atmosphere. It's in these moments that you realize the beauty of your polyamorous relationship. Each of you brings something unique to the table, expanding your perspectives and creating a harmonious dynamic.

"Someone's emotional." Justin teased, kissing your cheek. He found it cute how you get so into the lyrics and the stories, despite it being fictional.

You blushed, "Shut up. I'm just happy that we're all together right now. The stories we're listening to makes me appreciate you two even more. It reminds me of our story, of the challenges we faced but overcome."

"Me too, Y/N." Justin agreed, flashing his charming grin.

After the opera, you all decide to explore the city under the glow of the moon. You pass by street performers, captivating artistic statues and paintings, and cafes, each corner holding its own delightful surprises.

Soon, you all stumbled upon a small but luxurious jazz club. The three of you began dancing to the smooth jazz music, and you found yourselves lost in the moment. The dim lighting, the smooth music, and the sense of exclusivity made the moment feel special.

You found yourself gazing into both Justin and Trent's eyes, and they glanced at you, causing you to stumble a little during your movements. They chuckled then moved closer to you, each taking your hand.

As you continued dancing in the jazz club, the intimate connection between the three of you deepened. The warmth of Justin's hand in yours, combined with the steady grip of Trent's, grounded you in the present moment. The music swirled around you, filling the air with its soulful melodies.

As the song came to an end, applause erupted from the audience, breaking the spell momentarily. You all laughed, feeling the exhilaration and joy that came from sharing such a beautiful experience together.

"Let's keep exploring," Trent suggested, his voice filled with excitement. "I heard there's a rooftop where we can have a good look at the city."

You nodded, eager to continue this adventure with your partners by your side. You made your way out of the jazz club and back into the city streets. Soon, you all walked up the stairs of a large building the sat together on the rooftop, taking in the view of the city together.

Justin and Trent scooted closer to you, then both wrapped their arms around you. You yawned, causing them to smile.

"Is someone tired?" Justin teased, pulling you even closer to him.

"No." But your yawn betrayed you. You were tired from all that walking.

Trent chuckled, then gently lifted you into his arms. "Looks like our adventure has ended."


Justin cut you off with a kiss to the forehead, "Don't worry, Y/N. Your boyfriends are here to take care of you." Trent nodded in agreement, as you all made your way downstairs.

"I love you both," You whispered, your voice filled with sincerity.

Justin and Trent exchanged a knowing look, their affection evident in their eyes.

"We love you too, Y/N," Justin said, his voice carrying a mixture of tenderness and passion.

Trent smiled, pulling you closer and placing a gentle kiss on your lips. "Always and forever."

Justin and Trent took turns carrying you carefully, making sure to not drop you, as they walked down the city streets, back to your car. You soon fell asleep to the sound of their laughter and flirtatious banter. You smiled in your sleep,  surrounded by the magic of the city and the love that enveloped you.

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