Stalker problem - Cody x reader

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Requested by: Sugarxspice
Setting: TDWT, multiple episodes and after Gwen's elimination
Plot credit to Sugarxspice! Girly gave out the whole plot summary. Hope this meets your expectations! :)

"Codykins, come cuddle me!" Sierra laughed, leaning onto Cody. Cody slumped further down his seat, and let out an annoyed sigh.

Sierra had been bothering Cody since she first joined Total Drama, and she never took the hint whenever Cody expressed only wanting to be friends. As hilarious as it was, sometimes you felt bad for him because she really takes things too far.

"I'm going to get more drinks. Be right back!" Sierra told Cody, getting up from her seat.

Cody sighed, and you asked, "Are you okay?"

"No." Cody huffed, glaring at the ground. He turned towards you, then frowned. "I'm really sick of Sierra always harassing me. She never gets the hint, and I wish she would just leave me alone. At first, it was okay, but she's getting more obsessive."

"You'll be okay." You said, putting your hand on his shoulder. "Sierra just needs to see for herself that you're not interested. I think she's just so caught up with her delusion that you like her back, that she believes you are playing hard to get."

"Yeah." Cody sighed, "Thanks, Y/N, but what should I do?"

"Hmm." You mumbled. "I don't know. Maybe you can fake a relationship with someone?"

"Good idea!" Cody exclaimed, then he cleared his throat speaking loudly enough to catch everyone's attention. "Y/N, I really like you. I always have since you joined this season, and I think you're the most beautiful girl in the world. I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?"

You glanced at your team, and noticed everybody staring at you. Feeling pressured, you stammered out, "Yes, Cody."

Sierra dropped her snacks, as she walked into the room and gasped. "What?!"

She sent you a death glare, and you awkwardly smiled at her, as Cody put his arm around you.

"What just happened?!" She shrieked. "Cody?!"

Sierra started to let out loud sobs, which made everybody glance awkwardly at her. You knew she was a stalker but you sort of felt bad for her. However, you knew you had to help Cody.

"What did I just get myself into?" You thought, hearing Sierra cry louder.


For the next few weeks, Sierra had been very cruel to you. She would sneak spices in your food, insult your looks and sabotage you during challenges, and put water where you would sleep. Cody was oblivious to this, but you kept it from him for the sake of helping him.

"Gwen, don't you think Y/N and I look cute together?" Cody asked, obviously trying to impress Gwen during the challenge.

"I don't care." Gwen stated, walking away from him to work on the challenge.

You sighed, not sure how long you could keep this up.

"I don't think you and Cody look cute together." Sierra snapped from behind you. You turned, seeing her glare down at you. "You are a total man stealer, and you are worse than Heather in season one."


"What's wrong, babe?" Cody asked, smirking at Sierra and kissing your forehead.

You blushed a little, feeling your heart race. You weren't sure why you were feeling this way since the relationship was fake, but you couldn't help it.

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