Our date at the fair - Noah x Male!reader FLUFF

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Requested by: Enzo_the_gayest
Setting: A fair

"Y/N, this is impossible."

Noah tried his best to carve the pumpkin, but he was struggling. He wanted to win the pumpkin carving contest your town's fair was holding. The prize was free ice cream for a month at the local parlor. However, you encouraged him to just have fun, because he hasn't had fun in awhile due to stress with Total Drama and having to compete with all those people he doesn't like.

You and Noah were on a date at your town's fair to help him let loose a little, because he tends to stress too much. He was hesitant, but eventually gave in.

You chuckled, and held out your badly carved pumpkin. "Relax, Noah. Mine isn't awesome either. It looks like a cry for help!"

Noah laughed, and stood up from the ground, holding out his hand, "Let's do something else. My hand is starting to get sore from trying to carve that thing."

You nodded, taking his hand and stood up. You spotted a face painting booth and smiled. "Want to get our face painted?"

Noah looked at the booth and cringed, "No, I'd rather not."

"Let's check it out though!" You suggested, walking towards the booth. Noah chuckled, and followed you anyway, putting an arm around you.

At the booth, you were excited to see the different types of art. The lady gave you and Noah a smile, and asked if you'd like a painting. You happily obliged and asked for a painting of a panda on your cheekbone. Noah watched as you had your face painted, and he kept smiling at how cute you looked. He finds it very adorable how you get excited over little things like that.

"It looks so cute!" You exclaimed, showing Noah your face paint. "You should get one!"

"No way!"

You smirked, "Is it because you want me to do it?"

The lady laughed, and you kept smirking at Noah. Noah blushed, and glanced around then back at you. "Like that would actually happen."

"Can I?" You asked the lady, and she nodded, smiling at the both of you.

You led Noah to the seat, and began gathering different colors to paint him with. You decided to paint a cat.

"Hold still!" You laughed, as Noah kept moving. You kept trying to paint him, but he was so ticklish that he wouldn't keep still.

"Y/N, stop it!" He laughed, cringing at the wet brush against his face. "This is so horrible!"

"You just need to hold still so we can get it done, you fool!" You laughed, trying to paint the cat.

"Y/N, no." Noah laughed. He tried to hide the fact that he was having fun too. You could see right through it though.

You pecked his nose and gave him a funny look,"Keep still!"

The painting ended up looking horrible, because Noah just couldn't keep still. Noah looked in the mirror at the booth, and cringed. He chuckled at your attempt of a cat, and blushed at how you were so close to him the whole time.

"See, this is all your fault!" You laughed, finding the painting ugly. "You couldn't let me have my moment!" You leaned closer to him, and kissed his lips gently. "But you're still my gorgeous man."

Noah blushed, then took your hand to lead you out of the booth. "At least you tried."

You paid for the makeovers for you and Noah, then you both went to play some of the games.

You could tell Noah was really into the games because he kept going back to redeem his prize for the different stickers, and glow sticks. He was a nerd at heart, and found the games to be fun since they involved trivia questions. You were mostly on the sidelines watching him, but you didn't care because Noah was finally letting loose.

"You're such a dork, Noah." You laughed, giving him a peck on the cheek. "You were so cute trying to win all those prizes!"

Noah chuckled, "I want a collection. Besides, it was trivia. That's my strong point."

"It sure is!" You smiled, holding his hand, walking around together.

"Let's get some food?" Noah suggested. "I'm getting hungry."

You nodded, as you and Noah walked towards where they were selling food.


After your date with Noah at the fair, you both watched the sunset together in the tail of your truck at an outlook instead of going straight home. The sky was beautiful, and you knew watching the sunset would make a good way to end today. You and Noah ate your food, cuddling closely together as you watched the sunset.

Noah leaned against your chest, as you played with his hair. He squeezed your hand softly, as he gave you a gentle smile. You leaned down, giving him a kiss on the forehead and played with his hair, singing softly as he started to relax in your arms.

"Thank you for today, Y/N." Noah whispered, hugging you tightly.

You kissed his nose. "Anything for you."

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