Love notes - Jacques x reader

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Requested by: Blendofchoco

Setting: Skating arena

"There is a big crowd out there." Your friend Natalie says, opening her locker. You nodded in agreement, opening your locker as well, when an envelope fell out. 

You bent down, picking the envelope up, opening it. 

Natalie closed her locker, glancing at you, "What's that?" 

You shrugged, taking the letter out. "I've been receiving these love notes, for the last few months, since I've joined the team.. I'm not sure who's been writing them or how they managed to slip it into my locker.. But the notes are very romantic."

A few months ago, you've gotten a job at the Skating arena as an ice dancer. It has always been your passion to dance, so your cousin suggested a job here. 

Natalie looked at the note on your hand, smirking. "Looks like you've got a secret admirer." 

"Maybe." You chuckled, then checked your phone. "We have to be up in ten minutes."

After performing, you and Natalie walked back into the locker room. You opened your locker, this time finding a rose attached to the envelope. Natalie glanced at you, as she changed, and smirked. 

"Looks like someone is really into you." She laughed. 

You opened the envelope, and began to read the letter. 

"Dearest Y/N, 

You have stolen my heart, the moment I saw you. You are in my dreams every night, my thoughts every morning.

I like how you dance with such grace, and the way your eyes shine, when you laugh.

I like you.. More than words can describe."

"This guy sounds like a real Casanova." Natalie laughed, putting her uniform in her bag. "Maybe you should write one back.. At least to ask who he is."

"I'm not sure if a guy or girl wrote this." You said, folding up the letter. "I mean, this is the girls locker room.. I don't know how a guy can sneak in here."

"People can have their ways." Natalie answered. "You should ask for their gender at least."

"Yeah." You agreed. "At least so I'll know who I would be writing back to."

You opened the letter again, and started writing in the back asking questions such as if they were a girl or boy and who they were. You also asked why they were writing such notes. 

Once you finished your letter, you taped it on your locker, hoping no one will mess with it. 


The next day, you headed your way back into the locker room to change for your performance. Through your mind, you did not think of the performance. You were just curious about the note. 

As you headed to the lockers, you glanced towards the male ice dancers sitting on the bleachers. You smiled nervously, thinking your letters could be from any one of them. The problem is you don't know who. 

"Josee, stop being so difficult!" Jacques whined, as she dragged him. 

"Stop complaining!" Josee grumbled. 

You chuckled a little at their interaction, then entered the locker rooms. You looked over at your locker, and felt your heart drop, seeing your note wasn't there. To be sure that no one else threw it away, you opened your lockers, and smiled, seeing a new envelope. You opened it, and began reading the letter. 

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