I love you for you - Mike + personalities x trans!male!reader

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Requested by: The-end222

Setting: Adulthood

Note: Hi! I hope I wrote this correctly and respectfully, since it was my first time writing for the transgender community! :) I made sure to research what's appropriate and what isn't. Please let me know if anything. I want everyone to feel comfortable and included here!


"Vito, you're too much!" You chuckled, watching Vito flex his muscles in Mike's bedroom.

"There's no such thing as too much Vito, pretty boy." Vito winked at you, putting his arm around you. Vito kissed the top of your head. "Mike is lucky."

You giggled, then went to get Mike's shirt from his closet, "Of course, Vito. But I think I want to spend time with Mike now."

You handed Vito Mike's shirt, then Mike slowly started to come back.

"Thanks Y/N." Mike sighed in relief, stretching his arms.

You nodded, then Mike engulfed you into a hug and you smiled, rubbing his back. Mike pulled away, giving you a shy smile. "You know, I'm really lucky to have you. You accept me for who I am, even with my DID alters."

You felt a pang of remorse build up, then you forced a smile. "Of course, Mike..I know if I were in a similar situation, you'd accept me for who I am too."

"Of course!" Mike exclaimed, sitting on the bed with you. "I love you no matter what, Y/N."

You could barely ignore the remorse that was building up inside you. You knew Mike was a loving and accepting boyfriend, but there was one problem; he didn't know you were trans. You had been dating him for six months, and still haven't found the courage to tell him, because the thought of him leaving you over it made you feel anxious and vulnerable.

You knew you'd eventually have to tell him the truth, but you were scared. You decided to give it some time before you were ready. After all, to come out to your partner was something very personal. You just need more time.

As the days turned into weeks, your desire to be your authentic self grew stronger. You longed to share your truth with Mike, but the fear of rejection consumed your heart. You were unsure how his alters would perceive this too, because you had shared a close bond with all of them, including Mal, who was not shown to trust people very often. What if you broke Mal's trust then hurt Mike's feelings?

Today, Mal fronted after Mike got triggered by an upsetting clip that showed violence, and you calmed Mal down from reacting. It took nearly an hour, but Mal eventually calmed down, then smiled thankfully.

"You know.. I normally hate saying this, but you have this effect on people." Mal smirked, mischievously, tilting your chin up.

"Maybe." You winked. However, your thoughts traveled back to your longing to unveil your truth to Mike, and your worry with him and the rest of the system accepting you. "Hey Mal.. What if someone you trusted had this secret that they've been keeping and that someone comes forward eventually?"

Mal raised an eyebrow, putting your chin down. He furrowed his brows, deep in thought. "I.. I guess I would say it depends, Y/N. Why? Is there something you need to tell me?"

You avoided his gaze, not wanting to lie to him. "I have something I need to tell Mike, but I'm not sure if he'd like me after that."

Mal's protective instincts immediately kicked in, as he shot a sharp glare at you. "Well, Y/N, if it's something life threatening, we all need to know! You better come forward, or I will find out."

Your heart clenched with anxiety, knowing Mal had a naturally protective nature, even if he had a hard time expressing it in a healthy way. You stammered out, "It's.. It's not life threatening..It's-"

Before you could continue, you noticed Mal dissociating away. You sighed, then guided him towards Mike's bedroom, gently laying him in bed.

This was going to be harder than you thought.


Mal had been cautious and hostile around you lately, and it hurt because he had no idea what was going on. Mike assured you that it was just Mal being Mal, but Mike didn't even have a clue why Mal was upset with you. You were devastated that Mal was losing trust in you, but you knew one day, he would understand. If he didn't accept you, at least he would understand that there was never a threat.

After a week of tension with you feeling uneasy, you decided to come forward and tell Mike about your gender identity.

One evening, after you and Mike strolled through the park hand in hand, you asked if he could sit with you on the bench, which was surrounded by orange-brown oak trees, and peaceful winds.

"I couldn't help but notice you've been down all week, Y/N." Mike spoke softly. "I wanted to give you space, but something's up and.. I want to be there for you."

You nodded, trying to find your words. You spoke, with words filled with anxiety and hope. "Mike.. There's something important I need to share with you. It's been weighing on my chest lately, and I know I upset Mal when I asked Mal what he would think if someone he trusted had this secret. I know I should've been more specific with him, but I was scared and I messed up."

Mike took your hands, then squeezed it, allowing you to continue. You gave him a small smile then continued to speak, your voice shaking slightly. "I want you to know that I am transgender. I was assigned female at birth, but I identify as male. This is who I truly am, and I hope you and your other alters can accept me. I understand if you may need time to process this. However, I want you to know that I still have the same love for you, and everyone in the system."

Mike's expression softened, with his eyes reflecting a mix of understanding and compassion. He reached out and gently brushed your cheek with his fingers, kissing your cheek.

"Y/N.. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me, even though it took time." Mike responded, looking sincere. "But I understand that it wasn't easy. I love you for who you are, Y/N, and that will never change. Your identity doesn't define our love that we share. I mean, you've always loved and accepted me. I'll always do the same for you."

Your arms wrapped around Mike's shoulders, then Mike chuckled, pulling you tighter in his embrace. He kissed the top of your head. "I know my alters will love you too, just like I do."

After that fateful evening, you slowly came out to the rest of Mike's system and all of them accepted and loved you for your authentic self. When you told Mal, he apologized, feeling embarrassed for how he acted, but you understood that Mal didn't know and was just being his protective self.

"This adds even more to your charm, ey my handsome." Manitoba winked, as you and him explored the woods together.

You chuckled, feeling the wind brush through your hair. "I guess it does."

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