Rivalry - Rock x singer!reader

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Requested by: Scitwi2020
Setting: Adulthood

"Rumor has it, there's a rivalry between the new rising singer Y/N L/N and her favorite artist, Rock. Fans are furious. Will this impact Y/N's uprising career?"

You sighed as you read tabloid after tabloid, feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Ever since you released your first album and it ended up being a hit, your fans, along with Rock's fans, have been going crazy. This left you devastated because you loved Rock's music and took inspiration from him.

You were a rock-alternative artist, who never intended to be labeled as a copycat. You wish people could give you a chance at least, especially because you were still finding your voice. You were excited about your career and hoped that Rock was excited too. He was your favorite artist after all. He was also your age, so you hoped you could at least become friends.

As the weeks went on, the drama and rumors did not simmer down. There have been rumors that you were trying to steal Rock's fame along with rumors that Rock was disgusted with you. Rock's fans were loyal, but his fans weren't as vocal as your own. However, both of your fanbases were passionate and although they mean well, their contribution to the drama fueled toxic stan culture.

"Rock, these rumors that have been going on aren't looking good. Have you heard about them?" Rock's manager, David asked.

Rock shrugged, giving David a smug smile. "I don't care. It's just drama. These people find anything to talk about."

"But there might be tension between you and Y/N. Y/N is an up-and-coming artist that's recently becoming more well-known." David explained, looking concerned. "She has taken some inspiration from you."

Rock's eyes widened in surprise. He said, feeling a mix of emotions,  "Wow.. But I actually adore Y/N. I didn't know there was tension. I mean, I don't mind that she's taken inspiration from me, but knowing she doesn't like me? That's... That's pretty hurtful."

David nodded his head in agreement, feeling genuinely disappointed for his client. "What do you say we talk to her manager and schedule you two to have a live performance together? That way you can both get some feedback and see if you can work together."

"I don't know." Rock sighed, feeling uneasy about this. "I mean, what if it backfires?"

"What if it doesn't?" David asked, giving him a small smile. "It might also make history."

Rock nodded, hesitantly. "Sure. But if it backfires, make sure you have my publicist take care of it."

Dave chuckled, "Of course, Rock."


The organizers of the event hoped that this performance would quell the rivalry and bring your fans closer. Both Rock and you were hesitant at first, but you both agreed to give it a shot.

You were nervous yet excited because you were going to rehearse a performance that you were going to sing with your favorite artist but at the same time, you knew that because of those rumors, there was also a rumored rivalry that you never intended to exist.

"Hi." You waved awkwardly to Rock, feeling a blush creep across your cheeks.

"Hey." Rock gave you a warm smile. He scratched the back of his head. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Good things, I hope." You chuckled.

The first few minutes of the meeting were filled with tension and awkwardness. You and Rock eyed each other warily, not sure if you could trust each other. However, as you both spent more time together before the performance, you realized you had more in common than you initially thought.

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