You're the pretty one - Sammy x male!reader

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Requested by: Alex_TDfan

Setting: TDPI episode - Twinning isn't everything


Most people say you're very observant, which can be both a good and a bad thing. The good thing about being observant is you are aware of how people are, and how to handle situations. The bad thing about it is, you can feel other people's pain deeply based on what they are going through.

For the last few days you've spent on the island, you've been observing everyone, but one particular girl caught your eye the most. You had caught an interest in Sammy, who was very kindhearted, helpful, and beautiful. You had observed the way her sister, Amy, treats her. For some reason, no one could tell them apart, but you knew it was easy because Amy had a mole and Sammy didn't.

One morning you took a walk, like you usually did back home to recollect your thoughts of what the day lies ahead. Knowing Chris, he came up with something crazy. You stopped walking, when you heard Jasmine and Sammy conversing. You hated to eavesdrop, but you were curious because the conversation seemed to offer more insight about the girl you liked, Sammy.

"Stop letting your sister treat you like a servant." You overheard Jasmine say to Sammy.

"How can I? She's everyone's favorite. She's the pretty one." Sammy replied, looking upset.

You felt upset to hear that. In a way, Sammy reminded you of Cinderella, because of her evil sister tormenting her. Like Cinderella, Sammy had beauty and potential, but no one recognized it and everyone treated her like shit for it. Another example of that was when Chris spoke in front of everyone that Sammy was now to be called 'Samey,' due to being considered the lesser twin. However, you had insisted on calling her Sammy, despite what anyone else says. You were the only one on the island to call her, her real name, which she appreciated.

"You're identical twins! You're both the pretty one!" Jasmine exclaimed.


Jasmine explained to Sammy that the first person that stands up for her has to be herself. After Jasmine's encouragement, you stepped in, awkwardly greeting the two girls.

"Hey guys." You smiled, walking up to the two girls. "Sammy, I couldn't help but overhear, and I don't mean to pry, but I think Jasmine is right. You need to stand up to Amy. You don't deserve to be treated that way."

"I'll try." Sammy sighed, looking down. "Thanks, Y/N."

Shawn came by to talk to Jasmine, so you and Sammy decided to walk together to pick more of the berries.

"So, why did you join Total Drama?" You asked, as you walked together.

Sammy looked hesitant then replied, "I came here because I wanted to get away from Amy, and gain confidence on my own. Back home, I always followed Amy. I joined cheerleading, because she said I had to, I only hung out with her and her friends. I wanted to try making my own friends, and showing everyone that I'm not just her twin sister."

You smiled, "Well, you're doing a good job so far on the making new friends part."

"You mean.. You want to be my friend?" Sammy asked, looking surprised.

You nodded, "Of course. I hope I don't come across as weird, you know.. Being a guy and all, but I genuinely want to be friends."

Sammy smiled, a small blush spreading across her face. "I would like to be friends too."


It was time for breakfast, and Rodney thanked Amy and Jasmine for getting the berries. Sammy stood up, saying that she was the one who got the food.

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