II. When a Lion & a Dragon Meet, part 2

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[A/N] - The Story starts in the early years of Aerys II rule and will slowly follow the timeline of the books. Many details have been taken from the books and other sources. There is am 8-year age difference between Tywin & Visenya and their relationship will evolve slowly as the years pass.


Usually, people would coward under his sharp gaze or the seriousness of his voice. Many glanced down or even retreated, none wishing to challenge the proud Lion that led the House Lannister to glory and riches.

She, on the other hand, did not seem to share their thoughts or feelings. She defiantly looked back at him, not once breaking under his sharp gaze despite their height or power difference existing between them.

Yet, there was no true challenge in those unique orbs of hers despite the strength and power they held on their own. There was pride and intelligence but no challenge; at least not in that moment. From her look alone, it was clear that what she said she truly meant it.

"Pray, My Lord but you have a rich history of successful battles and experience to back it up" she said, trying to keep the formalities between them but without overdoing it. "I do trust someone of your reputation would be knowledgeable enough to advise me with a good book that himself would or have read to expand his knowledge"

Tywin remained silent for a moment, watching her under the low light of the torches. Her words were always coated in honey but they came from a very sharp brain and despite their age difference, he respected that.

Without saying anything else, he turned his attention to the shelf where she had been absorbed for a while now. A quick scan of the titles and he understood what she meant. Many books were often written to benefit certain parties and thus many things tend to be changed, or altered one could say.

His eyes landed on one specific book and he pulled it from the shelf before turning his body to hand it to the young princess. "I believe this will suit your needs, princess. The master behind it did not alter anything, although eventually was executed for it" he informed, exposing that he had read it.

With a small smile, which felt more honest than her previous ones; she took it from him. "Thank you, Lord Hand. I trust your judgement" she said and started to head towards her table, not that far away from where they were standing.

His eyes followed her and he noticed three books already stacked one on top of the other. He glanced at the faded titles and he did not hide his surprise. Both books were about Targaryen's History but most specifically, about two certain individuals.

Visenya I Targaryen & Naelys Targaryen

One woman brought nations to their knees for her brother and conquered kingdoms under his name. She was a fierce warrior and strategist, with a huge dragon that surpassed many that followed it across history.

The other was a woman, the last of her kind who burnt half of West in her path for vengeance. She went from a Dragon Whisperer to a Dragon Slayer, bathing herself and her dragon in the blood of both humans and dragons alike.

Both were formidable women, powerful and above all; independent. Married or not, they did not care as they led armies and charged through the battlefields with powerful war cries. They left their marks in history, no one ever risking to tarnish them after the death they brought with them; as if offering tributes to the Stranger.

For a moment, Tywin wondered if the woman had also inherited the mark of her ancestor and not just her eyes. Of course, dragons were no more and the latest ones that existed were an embarrassment to the real ones that once flew above Valyria & Westeros alike.

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