LXII. Plans & Private Sibling Discussions

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Chambers of Tywin & Visenya, Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands


Tywin had woken up early, earlier than he had planned but it was not truly his intention. The reason why his sleep was cut short was Visenya, who had once again faced those pestering Dragon Dreams of hers. Ironically to her, being the very same dream of Winter she had while in Harrenhal.

After she had woken up and was gasping for air, she chose not to sleep again since the sun had just started to rise. She said nothing of that dream but he did not pester her either. He already had a lot to deal with and he knew if the dream was ever of importance, she would tell him.

Since he was awake already, he chose to get dressed and simply start his day early; for sleep would not come for him. He silently started to get dressed, mentally choosing to break fast in his study to earn time while he handled the latest affairs of the Kingdom.

As he was finishing getting dressed, Visenya was sitting at the edge of the bed; watching him in silence. She had thrown a red silk robe above her body due to the morning chills but also for some modesty in case any servant chose to come, like the one that just left and came straight from Tyrion.

She had not called any of her handmaidens and she was not going to for the day. The marks given to her by Tywin were visible on her skin, different bite marks spread unevenly and her wrists had the bruising from his grip the night prior.

She never minded those marks, very much aware of the rougher nature of her Lord Husband; especially when frustrated or jealous. She expected them and never complained; finding some personal satisfaction upon knowing how much she could affect him to draw such reactions.

It was troublesome, though, for it did pose a challenge to hide them. Those on her body were easy but her neck and wrists always were the hardest. Thankfully, she had become rather good at it over the many years those two had been married.

"What do you think Tyrion wants you to discuss?" she asked him, passing one hand through her white hair and slowly untangling it.

Just a few minutes ago, a servant had knocked on their door and brought a message. Tyrion had requested to speak with his father, something quite bold from his side but yet again; all their children could be bold when they wanted something.

Tywin fixed his tunic and ensured there was no crease on it as he stood in front of the mirror, his back facing Visenya. "He wants something from me. Now, depending on what he wants he will receive the rightful answer" he said and saw her through the mirror, her face changing ever so faintly. He knew that face too well by now and if she hadn't her sleep ruined by those dreams, he would have chosen to ignore it. In the end, he gave in to her. "Go on, say your argument"

Visenya placed both hands by her sides, supporting her on the bed as her back remained straight. "I do not have anything to argue with. Just remember that Tyrion did try his best as Hand and he did suffer in battle. He did his duty to the House as much as he could. You can be a little more linear with him for this" she said, remembering how bitter and sour the dwarf was the night prior.

He said nothing but stared at her a moment longer through the mirror. From the start Visenya had been kind to all of his children, being the motherly figure they needed. Tyrion, though, had taken an uncanny liking to her; demanding to be around her as much as possible.

That always annoyed his father, who still did not truly see Tyrion as his own son but could not prove he was not of his own blood. He knew that Tyrion often tried to hide behind Visenya because the Dragoness had a soft spot for him as she did for Trystan and Jaime.

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