XI. A Trip to Lannisport

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[A/N] - This is how Visenya currently looks or at least how I imagine her to look with her age and heritage.

[A/N] - This is how Visenya currently looks or at least how I imagine her to look with her age and heritage

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Just as he had suggested, the following morning Visenya, Tywin, Kevan and some soldiers had left Casterly Rock and instead took the path for Lannisport. It took them a few hours of horse riding, mostly remaining on Gallop but their horses had rested enough and all of them were used on riding for long hours.

Upon their arrival, Tywin did as he promised and started to show Visenya around. While he was not the most talkative during their tour, he did point out specific places or brought up important battles and decisions that had been taken.

Lannisport was a beauty in its own right. Built next to the sea, the riches of the WesternLands could be seen right there. A big port with dozens of trade ships coming from all corners of the shop, including Essos and the Free Cities, famous and skilled trade men but also blacksmiths, tailors and so on.

The people recognised their Lord, many giving a bow as he passed by while others stared at Visenya. She had worn a black long-sleeved dress with a matching cape. The Targaryen Three-Headed Dragon was on the cape in bright red while the dress itself showed some cleavage while the sleeves and the upper part hung tightly around her body; leaving the skirt from the hip and down to fall smoothly across her legs.

She stood out with her Valyrian features, the symbol of her family drawing the most attention as well. Many bowed their heads, respecting the Princess of the Realm while some stared; not used to the exotic features of her family.

Whether Visenya minded or not, she never showed it as her face remained that perfect mask she had when she was at court. There was silent fascination, however, evident by her interest in certain things or how her hard mask would soften upon a sight that had drawn her attention.

The two of them walked towards the Port, side by side when a young girl rushed their way. The duo came to a halt in order not to fall on the child, a little girl no older than 6-name days old.

Her blond hair was in pigtails, her blue eyes wide upon the sight of the tall woman in the black dress. Yet, there was this childish smile upon her face while in her hands she held a flower.

"Anya!" a woman shouted, rushing towards the little girl. "Please My Lord, Princess, forgive us. She ran away from me" she apologised, giving them both a deep bow out of respect but also fear.

She then grabbed the girl's wrist but stopped moving once Visenya lifted her hand faintly. "That is quite alright. Let her" she said, her voice impassive but there was this hidden softness in her amber eyes.

The woman did as she was told and the little girl, Anya, took a step closer to the Targaryen woman. Keeping that beaming smile that she could almost transmit to anyone, she lifted her small hand that held the flower. "A flower, princess!" she said, her voice high-pitched. "For the beautiful Princess that helped save us"

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