LXIV. Roses, Lions & Dragons

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The Gardens of the Red Keep, King's Landing – Crownlands – A few hours after Visenya visits the Alchemists


Visenya had returned from the Alchemist Guilt with her mind busy. Those things that Haylene had sent had troubled her and she knew she needed to search more. She also knew that it was a matter of time before Tywin would hear of them, especially if her niece had managed to bring back dragons.

Varys, on one hand, could offer her with all the necessary information; for he had kept his eyes on Daenerys for years. It was one of the main reasons for their 'odd' alliance, mostly because Robert was King and he had no right to be.

Things had changed now, Varys had regained too much power but he most likely still supported the 'rightful heir' to the Iron Throne and it was none of Robert's children. Not to mention that he always did everything for 'the good of the realm' as he would often say to excuse himself. If Robert's children, Joffrey especially, proved not to be what was good for the rest of Westeros, then she knew he would change alliances.

She could try to approach him but she did not wish to give him any leverage.

The eunuch was a man, who did nothing for free and eventually came back to reap what he had planted. A favour from him meant that he would eventually ask a favour in return, something she did not wish to do.

She hated owning favour or debt to anyone, doing her very best not to allow it or quickly get rid of it without much of a hustle. In her mind that was an Irony when one would think of the unofficial motto of the House she was married into.

Visenya had chosen to walk in the Gardens to help clear her head. She would have much preferred to go for some Horse Riding but Tywin would have her head if she dared. After the latest rebellion of the common folk little before the Blackwater battle, it was too dangerous to roam the streets alone; especially if many consider she was the last relative of the King that had starved and burnt them all those years ago.

Her eyes spotted someone sitting on one of the stone benches, a bowl filled with cherries and grapes placed next to them. Lady Margaery was sitting, talking with one of her ladies while enjoying the nice weather.

Seeing her chance, the Dragoness started to approach them with elegant but also confident steps. Her presence was quickly noticed and immediately both women stood up and bowed, both as a sign of respect to her title but also her age.

"Lady Margaery" she greeted with a small nod of her head, seeing the big smile forming on the girl's face.

"Lady Lannister, it is a pleasure to see you again" Margaery said in all friendliness while her lady-in-waiting was standing there awkwardly, too scared to speak to the Dragoness of Casterly Rock.

"The pleasure is all mine," she said and turned to the young girl. "Mind if I borrow your lady for a while?"

The girl shook her head but kept it bowed. "Not at all, Lady Lannister," she said and left rather quickly, almost tripping over her feet in the process.

"Poor girl. She seemed really shaken by your presence, My Lady" Margaery pointed out, sympathy visible in her brown eyes.

"Many get intimidated due to my title and Lord Husband, although I have been told I do not have the most welcoming faces" Visenya said as both women sat on the bench, the bowl between them.

Margaery looked at her, hands on her lap. "I do not think that is true, my Lady. You are a very beautiful woman and I do not believe it is ever a bad thing. My Grandmother is very strict on the face but she still can make us all feel welcomed and comfortable around her"

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