XLIII. Not All Lannisters Are Bad

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Just an hour after the ending of the battle at the Green Fork, the army had returned to the camp; with the exceptions of those left behind to deal with the bodies while also getting an account on how many were lost.

Visenya and Tywin had returned to their tent to discuss in private but also to remove their armour. Mostly, it was Tywin, who wished it off since unlike hers; his was heavier and unnecessary outside of battle.

The old habit of dressing and undressing armour was not lost through the years and instead continued ever since this war campaign started. While they both had squires, both preferred each other when they had the time and the chance.

Visenya had removed her arm guards already but kept the rest of her armour for now, choosing to help Tywin with his. His breastplate was gone first and he had grabbed himself a goblet of wine to refresh after the battle.

With one hand he sipped some of it while his Lady Wife opened the straps of his armguard on his unoccupied hand. Her goblet rested on the table, having chosen not to drink yet but she would rather soon.

"It looks like I underestimated the boy," she said as she removed the first buckle and worked on the second.

"The boy had played it fool so long; I doubt it was him that changed the plan. Someone else must have whispered into his ear" Tywin commented as his one hand was now free from that annoying restrain. He passed his goblet to the now unarmed hand and let her work on the armoured hand instead. "It doesn't truly matter now, since we harmed his number of men and in our next encounter; he will be weakened"

"I will look at it that way once I find where he went or hid. It did not make sense for him to separate his army like that unless he needed to focus on something else" she mumbled her thoughts out loud as she finished with the last strap and removed his lower arm guard,

Just then, Tyrion marched into the tent and made both of them stop for a moment; like two lovers caught in the act. It was not uncommon for a wife to assist her husband, although few truly knew their way around armour.

Someone might even joke that it looked similar to how two lions would groom one another after a hunt and a meal, cleaning the blood of each other's fur.

"Tyrion" she greeted him as she took Tywin's armguards and walked to leave them on the table along with hers.

"Father, Good-mother" he greeted back, taking a few steps deeper into the tent.

"Your clansmen fought well" Tywin told him as he drank some more from his goblet and headed for the table; Visenya already leaning on it with her goblet in hand.

"You sound surprised that they did. Although, I guess it is expected after you most likely sent them straight for butchering" Tyrion said, showing that he became aware or started to be aware of his plan.

Tywin felt annoyance building up at the blunt accusations, not that they were a lie. "I did expect the left to collapse, hoping that Robb Stark would press into the breach where he would eventually get captured" he confessed as he sat on a chair, next to Visenya and leaned back at it.

He talked of his plan to just use the men and his son as bait without truly any guilt because he felt none. To him it was war; it was a very well-thought-out plan and casualties were common all the time.

He glanced at his Lady Wife, who shook her head faintly since she could see the situation worsening. Tywin knew that but he had no fear of pushing Tyrion until he learnt his place and obeyed without questioning back.

The young lion felt angered at the way his father treated all of that and even at his good-mother, who obviously knew, had told him nothing the night prior. "And why was I not informed?" he asked, his anger flaring slowly.

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