CXLIX. The Wise Advice of an Aunt

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Hidden Spot, Close to Winterfell – The North – Almost Time for the Battle


After Visenya's speech, the two Targaryens rode their dragons away from the gathered armies and instead landed in a small opening surrounded by woods. They were from the opposite side than the one the army would come from and they would be ready for the first sign that the enemy was here.

They had not truly talked much even once their dragons landed but instead waited next to their loyal beasts. Daenerys was rather quiet, clearly debating on a lot of things like the speech her aunt gave or how she riled up the men like it was nothing.

She also had more personal questions she wished to ask but considered whether now was the best time to do so or not. Instead, she chose to wait a little bit longer and just watch as her aunt gently caressed the side of Rhaegal's head with a small smile on her lips.

"You know, if you have any questions you wish to ask me; you can go ahead and ask them" she suddenly said, turning her body halfway but still focused on the green-scaled dragon.

Her words surprised Daenerys, who parted her lips in surprise as her back leaned against Drogon's hard dark scales. "How did you know I wanted to ask you something?"

Visenya smiled and turned her head to look at her niece. "I am a Mother. Given birth to one child and raised almost five of them. You all pull similar faces when you have questions but hesitate to ask them" she explained.

Somehow, the situation made Daenerys blush faintly at being so easily read by her aunt but also smile at her words. She did give that motherly aura and she did seem to somehow know more than she let others know, like how a mother knew more about her children and simply chose to remain quiet.

She could not help but remember stories Ser Barristan had told her, where Visenya was more of a mother to Rhaegar than her sister; due to the abuse the Queen got from her husband and being bedridden from the miscarriages.

"I have a lot of questions, honestly" the Mother of Dragons admitted.

Her aunt turned to face her fully and leaned against the scaled neck of Rhaegal, as both dragons were lying on their fronts with their heads down. "We do have time I believe. Ask me away and the rest, after the Battle"

Her willingness to listen and so openly answer her even more questions, not even thinking if they would be more personal this time; made Daenerys feel a little bit more at ease. She did not have a lot of people she could openly ask because they either did not know or she could not just open her heart to someone who might betray her later.

Very few would truly remain by her side but even they, could not really compare to what Visenya seemed to give so naturally.

She thought for a moment, choosing which question to address first. Then, her mind flashed memories of her aunt and her good-uncle. From the first meeting where he seemed rather angry when she confessed about the Red Wedding, to all those moments he caught them walking side by side.

Everyone insisted that she was okay, although Tyrion seemed to be the most uncertain. Things did look okay but so many things had been told about the Old Lion that had only confused the young Targaryen in the end.

She recalled the scene from last night, seeing how the ruthless old Lion, that was Tywin Lannister, took off his furs and gently wore them on the shoulders of his wife; to keep her warm.

How today, he mannerly kissed the back of her hand and offered the faintest of smiles before retreating; in order to ensure there would be no disputes and unnecessary arguments between him and his good-niece.

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