V. Unofficial Alliance Between Lion & Dragon

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A few hours later Visenya was in her room with her sister, Rhaella. The events of the dinner that had followed prior had left both of them upset, Visenya more than her sister.

During the royal dinner to which Tywin and his wife were invited, their dear brother chose to remind everyone of the bad traits of his character that had become more prominent as he remained in power.

Since he still craved Lady Joanna, despite Rhaella having sent her to Tywin to protect her, did not go unnoticed by how the King kept looking at her but it was his words that threatened to forever ruin the relationship between him and his hand.

"Tell me, my Lady, are your breasts sacking now after nursing two kids?" he had asked her and then laughed, making the Lannister woman embarrassed by his words.

Those words had not settled well with Tywin, who was furiously glaring at the King through his emotionless mask. While he could not truly do much at that moment, it was Visenya that did.

"My Lady, I am planning to excuse myself to recover. Would you like me to escort you back to your chambers, I am sure your children will need you as well"

Her words had been placed in the perfect sentence as if she had rehearsed them a dozen times before speaking them out loud. Since she was still The Princess, Lady Joanna did not refuse and she had allowed the Targaryen female to escort her out of the hall and away from her vulgar brother.

This made her husband feel the faintest of gratitude, pleased that he was not alone in this game. Visenya knew she was chasing her luck, especially after her plan at the Tournament, but she still got out of her way to assist his wife.

Tywin realized, who his true allies were at that moment. Especially since after the feast, he had asked to be resigned from his position as Hand but the King had refused him; not allowing him to argue any further

After Visenya had returned Lady Joanna to her chambers, she had taken the path to her own. Not long since she had entered and changed to a less formal dress, did her dear sister knock on her door.

The mistreated and abused queen seemed to smile after 4 years, more than happy to have her sister back. As they were growing, Rhaella had always been looking after her sister, despite having only 4 years of difference.

The two girls stuck to one another like peas in a pod, supporting each other during tough days on the court. They shared almost everything, leaving very few things to become secrets. Of course, after her marriage to their brother; their time had become limited.

Busy with the baby, not often did the two women meet but Visenya kept a tab on her; even when she was far away. The news of miscarriages had reached her while in Dragonstone and her heart wished to be with her sister, to offer comfort.

Alas, she could not yet return but she did send ravens that seemed to offer some hope to her older sister. However, now, she was back and she intended to be there for her more often. Suitors be dammed, there were more important things at play than marriage and babies.

Rhaella was busy braiding Visenya's white hair as they both sat comfortably on the couch in front of the fire. While the queen had a softer snowy white hue in her hair, Visenya had a colder undertone; many comparing it to the one of silver instead.

"Thank you for protecting, Rhaegar" she finally said as she smiled, the whole mood bringing her back happy childhood memories of them braiding each other's hair when they were younger.

Visenya smiled as she kept her back straight and her head stable. She wore a simple black dress with no sleeves and silver embroidery at the edges. Her shoulder had been wrapped by bandages after stitches had been applied.

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