LXXIV. A Forced Wedding

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Gardens of the Red Keep, Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands – An hour later


After spending some more time with her son and helping to ease some of his worries, Visenya received a formal invite from Olenna. The Queen of Thorns invited her to the gardens for some fruits and a nice chat, although the Dragoness knew too well it would not be nice or simple the topic of their discussion.

However, knowing it would be rude to decline and also go against her and Tywin's plans; she accepted. She took a moment to enjoy the quick walk through the gardens, a place she often enjoyed visiting with her sister when they were younger since the deceased Queen had a love for flowers.

An Irony that Visenya had picked up that hobby, only that instead of admiring their beauty she was more interested in the ways she could use them to kill or harm someone without too much trouble.

She eventually walked down the path towards a wooden couch covered with pillows, placed under the shade of a garden arch that was covered by growing vines and green planters; offering a nice secluded spot for chatting.

The old woman was sitting on the couch, a small table having been moved and on it were small platters with grapes, cherries, thin bread slices and even cheese. Small quick meals to keep one until lunch and were the most suited even as the weather slowly started to become colder; a sign of the upcoming winter.

She pushed back any fresh memories of those haunting dreams of hers, trying to forget those blue eyes and the huge army marching through the snow planes. She had thought to send a letter to the wall but she had no connections there, no one truly to answer her and she did not wish to sound crazy if there was no threat; yet.

Putting on a small fake smile, she kept her composure as it should be and approached the table and the older woman.

"Lady Olenna, I thank you for your invite," she said and gave a small bow; just enough for the common courtesy since there were passing people and servants around them.

"How many times have I told you to call me, Olenna?" she asked and motioned with her hand for a spot by her side. "Sit, we have a lot to discuss"

She obeyed and gracefully took a seat by her side on the comfortable pillows while a servant brought her a goblet filled with fresh sweet wine.

"Thank you," she said to the young boy and took a sip of the crimson liquid.

"I had the misfortune to talk with your Lord Husband yesterday" Olenna started, drinking from her goblet. "He and I eventually agreed to another marriage between our families, specifically between Loras and Cersei. Although something tells me that you already knew that"

The Dragoness lowered her goblet slowly, her face giving nothing away. "I will not lie. I was informed of his plans and I did speculate where your 'meeting' would result"

"Of course you did, you are the smart one in that damn prideful family of Lions. But yet again, you are not a Lion my dear. You are a Dragon" she said, turning her body to look at her better. "Although I will admit, you are by far more pleasant to be around than him"

"Is that so? I do not think I have been told that before" she confessed honestly.

This amused the older woman. "But of course, for a starter, you frown way less" she joked and enjoyed her wine. "You are smart, still quite beautiful and know how to make yourself pleasant enough; even if it is all an act. Lord Tywin doesn't even try"

She placed her goblet on the table and grabbed a cherry. "He doesn't have to. He is a powerful man with a terrifying reputation behind him. People know what to expect from him when they are around him" she said, making something glimmer in the woman's eyes.

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