CXXX. All Hail 'Queen' Visenya

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Visenya had done a lot of travels in her life, some rather prolonged but what she did in that single month was something that had surpassed all of her previous accomplishments. She had formed a plan on how to approach their allies and which roads to take, to ensure they wasted no time.

She had loyal soldiers, who followed her despite the ever-changing terrains, the few hours of sleep and the small breaks that they took as they seemed to understand the urgency behind their mission.

Even the horses seemed to sense that, giving their best selves to carry them across Westeros.

The first travel had been easy since going from King's Landing to Sunspear was via the use of ships. There, she met with the Princes Doran and Oberyn where she explained the situation, the upcoming danger and what had to be done.

If she was anyone else, perhaps they would have turned her away but she was neither a common messenger nor a hated Westerosi. She had her past with the family ruling Dorne and Oberyn was more than willing to assist her, although how much he believed that undead army was uncertain.

In the end, she had left Sunspear with more ships and even more men.


Her next stop had been Storm's end, taking her less time than it would take her to go to King's Landing. There, she met with the main lords that held the castle until a Baratheon were to be appointed as the new Warden of the East.

The houses Swann and Caron were the biggest houses of the Storm Lands but Visenya met with almost all the houses when she arrived with Oberyn. To persuade them was not easy, since their allegiances had shifted and many houses had turned against one another as some had supported Renly and others Stannis.

However, all the adult stags were dead and the only one left was Tommen; who some Lords did question his parenthood and the fact that he might not be a child of Robert.

Visenya did not blame them, of course, but tried her best either way. That day, her speech surpassed any other she had given and she used every trick in her book to pass her message.

She brought up Tommen and Robert, the allegiance of the Stormlands to the Targaryen and Steffon; her deceased cousin.

In the end, she left with their promise to think and to meet at the Crossroad Inn; if they agreed to join the war and bring their banners.

Her last stop was Highgarden, where she received a warm welcome from both Loras and Willas. Half of the Army had left with Lord Mace and Tywin earlier, for the North but there were still available men and bannermen that could join.

They had used the time from her first raven to her visit, to gather the men; since Olenna had also sent a raven of her own; with similar instructions. Thus, the stay at Highgarden was short but needed.

Resources and Provisions were loaded, the men had a chance to rest properly and more soldiers joined their cause; led by none other than the Young Knight of Roses, Ser Loras himself.

Eventually, with this new combined army; Visenya set course for the Crossroad Inn, where she hoped to see the Stormlands as well.


Crossroad Inn, Base of the Trident – Riverlands, Westeros - Evening


Visenya found it ironic that she was once again back at that damned Inn. 

It was the cruel joke of the Gods, to amuse themselves by choosing that specific location.

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