XCIV. Mama Dragon & the Lion Cubs

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Cersei's Chambers, Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands


The Former Queen Reagent was still dressed in black, sitting by the edge of her bed with one goblet in one hand. Her eyes were red from crying, her hands sore and her room was quite a mess; a victim of her rage.

Her hair was not the usual neat and taken care of they usually were. Instead, they were rather wild and unkempt. She was staring at the wall ahead of her, drinking and emptying one goblet after the other while the jug with the wine was by her feet.

She barely reacted when the door of her chamber opened and closed again, she did not turn to acknowledge her latest visitor.

"Cersei" Visenya's voice reached her but even that did not make her move.

She had heard that Cersei had left her food untouched since the day prior and had refused to bathe or see any of her handmaidens. After the Sept, she had retreated in her room and according to the guards; she had not left them ever since.

This had worried Visenya, who knew personally how the loss of a child felt. A part of her told her not to do anything, considering how hypocritical would be from her side to try and check on the mother, whose child she planned to kill.

Yet the Lioness was like her own daughter, even when Cersei reminded her every day that she did not like her. Visenya saw her as her own child, despite all the hatred and she wished to comfort her; knowing no one else would because no one else truly understood.

So, she had found the Lioness in her chambers but there was no reaction when she called her name at least twice.

Eventually, the Dragoness moved closer to the point she had to stand in front of the Lioness; obstructing her view of the wall with her red dress. This seemed to snap Cersei from whatever deep thought she was trapped in and look at her.

Her green eyes were filled with hatred, pain and frustration. Her vision was constantly painted red and even her lip had been injured from her teeth in a futile attempt to contain some of the pain she wished to release.

"It's your fault" she spat, glaring at the older woman. "It's all your fault" she continued as she stood up. "How does it feel, huh? You always favoured that little...that little monster and now he killed my son!" she accused, her grief getting the best of her. She lifted her one fist, trying to hit Visenya but the Dragoness lifted her arm and instead, the lioness started to hit the lower arm of her good-mother. "How could you let him talk like that when my boy was laying dead right in front of us!" she continued with her hits as she brought up what had happened at the Sept.

Cersei hated how Tywin chose to speak to Tommen about kings and even dared to bring up Joffrey, in front of his own corpse. He showed no respect for her poor boy, who was killed in front of her.

No remorse for her, who had to hold her son in her arms and watch him as his green eyes begged her to help him. Not a single break for her, who could do nothing to help her dear Joffrey other than watch and call his name; as if that miraculously would have saved him.

She kept heating Visenya's arm, not caring if bruises would form. Eventually, her hits became sloppier and slower. She had dropped the goblet to the floor to use both arms to deliver the punches but she had grown tired rather fast. She finally stopped, her breathing irregular and she felt her chest aching with every beat of her heart.

She was not sure if she wanted to cry, to mourn, to shout, to smash things...she was not sure what she even felt at that moment.

Her vision turned black for a moment, her stomach empty since yesterday. She had only drunk endless wine in hopes to forget and had even slept with Jaime but that had only dulled the pain temporarily.

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