CI. Trial by Combat

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Combat Arena, Base of the Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands


By the base of the Red Keep, from the other side and with no view of the sea; one could easily find the Combat Arena. It was first designed for combats meant to impress the kings and make worthy knights stand out, now it served as the place for the Trial by Combat.

The arena was circular and big, a faint layer of sand covered the stone floor beneath it as the benches for the crowd were built all around it. The majority of the crowd were in the same space, held back by marble and stone railing while the ones with the best view, were the royal box.

Just a bit taller than the height of the arena, anyone there had a full view of everything and they also had shade from the sun. Seven chairs had been placed on the royal booth/stage, occupied by all the important members that day.

At the far left you had Jaime and at his right was Lord Mace. Next to the Tyrell Lord was Trystan, followed by his father, his mother, Cersei and last was Varys.

Each one had a different expression on their faces with the two male lion siblings clearly anxious about what will take place. Visenya was oddly calm but one could faintly see how sometimes she would tap her finger gently against the arm of her chair.

Cersei was the one, who seemed to enjoy the moment, confident that her champion would end Oberyn and Tyrion would die for murdering her son. Tywin did not seem that pleased with the arrangements, simply because he wished for the Mountain to be far away. He had made sure of that until his stupid daughter summoned him as her champion; being unaware that it was his very own wife that had whispered the idea to her ear.

Varys seemed equally nervous and did not hide it, sometimes glancing at the others in the booth with him. He appreciated Tyrion as an ally and as someone, who could truly help the realm, compared to most; he did not wish to see him die.

Pycelle was in the middle of the arena, giving the usual speech before every trial but halfway through his speech; Tywin motioned for him to cut it short and let the combat finally begin.

At last, the combat was about to start.

The Mountain had a long sword, one specially made for his height and strength but his opponent was equally prepared.

His squire tossed him his spear and he proceeded to move around the arena, flipping and spinning with the weapon like some sort of dance.

He came to a halt in front of the royal booth and offered the crowd his signature smirk while receiving cheers and applause for his performance. His eyes went to the Royal Booth and locked with Visenya's, who had the faintest smiles of amusement from his cocky performance.

Tywin, of course, took notice and his lips did not hide his frown nor did he bother to hide his glare; directly sending it at the flirtiest Dornish Prince.

Of course, Oberyn was simply pleased to amuse her and piss Tywin off. Having it accomplice, he turned to face his opponent.

"Have they told you who I am?" he asked the Mountain.

"Some dead man." Ser Gregor replied and lunched forward for an attack.

His attacks were slow but each strike had weight and strength behind it. One would be enough to break bones and cut limbs if they found their target. However, the Dornish Prince was faster.

With his leather armour and the length of his weapon, he easily blocked the attacks, dodged, created a nice cut in the opening of the man's steel armour and then moved a few steps back.

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