CV. Open Small Council Positions

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The Hand's Study, Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands – The Next Morning


The morning had come rather fast for the couple, who had managed only to partially rest that night. Yet, when the sun was up and they knew they had to continue with their days; they did not hesitate.

They both had gotten dressed, Tywin helping her due to her injury and then both had moved to the study to break fast but also hear what the soldiers had to say. All the reports were the same, no sign of Tyrion or Varys.

After the last soldier left, Tywin leaned back on his chair and let out a small sigh; choosing not to hide his annoyance on the subject.

"Varys' disappearance is not random" Visenya commented, sitting on the chair across his desk. "He was the one that freed him and led him through the secret paths but I still can't see why"

She had a theory in her mind, one revolving around her dream but she had not given him all the information. She had been vague, because vague was the dream to begin with. He could not have known that Tywin would get harmed or killed in the dream.

So, there should be something more behind his actions.

"The only logical conclusion is that he chose to support your niece," he said, flexing and unflexing his fist while thinking. "He most likely wanted to use Tyrion to kill me and unsettle the realm, making it easier for her to invade"

She shook her head, not fully agreeing with the idea. "Even if that is the case, how did know that Jaime had told Tyrion about Tysha?"

It was evident that Tywin had heard everything when Tyrion was talking to her and he heard the confession that Jaime spilt the beans.

He had not met with his son yet, he would meet with him, though, when Visenya would not be present. He had to talk with him because it was his actions that helped lead to last night's outcome with Visenya getting injured. He was not going to take it lightly, even if Visenya had asked him not to unleash his anger on him.

"He is the Master of Whispers or was, to be more precise. Who knows whom he had spied on all those years" he reminded her and grabbed his goblet from the desk.

"Speaking of Master of Whispers, now that Varys is gone; the position remains empty" she pointed out, watching him as he drank some wine.

"You have someone in mind?" he asked as he lowered the goblet.

Her lips twitched to a faint side smirk. "Olenna"

"Absolutely not" was his reply, faster than a striking snake.

Visenya, though, was not going to back down so easily. "Think about it for a second" she suggested as she started to make her case. "She is cunning and she knows how to use her resources, for example, the wedding" she pointed out first. "She could do just fine in taking over Varys' little birds and we know she will not betray us since it is her granddaughter, who is on the throne. She will not side with anyone else or risk losing her. In addition, Lord Mace is weak and rather useless" she said and he only pressed his lips to form a thin line, not openly admitting that he agreed with her. "However, if Olenna is around she will keep him in line and ensure he does not do anything stupid that will eventually prove harmful to us and our plans"

Tywin was silent for a moment as he swirled the red liquid in his goblet while thinking about it carefully. Once again, Visenya did make a very good case with lots of solid and right points that he could not easily argue.

Yet, he did find a loophole in her recent plan. "If she is to join the Small Council, this means there will be two Tyrells present"

"And there are also two Lions, you and Jaime as Captain of the Kingsguard"

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