XXIV. Half Lion & Half Dragon

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[A/N] - This chapter is mostly the birth and a quick summary/fill up of the events that took place and eventually led to the Rebellion Felt like there was no need to go into details about them since the next chapters are far more important in my opinion.


The day of the labour came rather suddenly to all of them. Tywin and Visenya were discussing an important matter about the realm, having to do with the collaborations and agreements for trade she had made with the eastern cities.

Yet, halfway through the talk, Visenya had dropped her goblet to the floor and had bent forward. Not long after, her waters broke and Maester Val had been summoned to her chambers, along with two midwives.

Tywin had been moved out of the room, as it was common and for the first time in years; there was no true control over his thoughts. Flashbacks of the time Joanna went to labour repeated in his mind and for a moment, he truly felt the need to just barge into the room.

Last time, he was not present and he had to be told by the Maester that his wife had died; unable to see her in her last moments. Thankfully for him, his brother had made sure to hold him back and remind him to be patient.

If Kevan was not of his own blood, Tywin perhaps would have punched him but he knew what his brother said was true. The Twins and Tyrion had been taken by a servant back to their rooms, their fear and worries clear in their green eyes as Visenya screamed due to the labour pains.

Tyrion was too young to remember but he did not wish to see another motherly figure dying during childbirth. The Twins, on the other hand, who had a clear memory of what happened to their mother had a different view of things.

Jaime was genuinely concerned about it, having grown to like Visenya. Cersei still did not truly tolerate her; especially due to how close she was with Jaime. However, she did not wish to see her death upon the birthing bed, mostly because she knew it would destroy their already cold-hearted father and she was not ready for that.


The labour had been painful, what had been described to her paled in comparison. Visenya was not one to truly scream or even lift her voice but even she could not hold it that long before some contraction pains became too hard.

To her it felt like an eternity, her blood staining the white sheets as she kept fighting. It took some time but in the end; the cries of a newborn were heard inside the suddenly quiet room and Visenya could finally relax on the bed.

Somewhere during her labours, her sister had come and only then did Visenya realize she had been squeezing her hand. Catching her breath, the Dragoness panted and she could feel her birthing dress and her hair sticking to her skin due to sweat.

"Congratulations, my Lady, it is a healthy boy," Maester Val said as he took the cleaned and bundled baby from one of the midwives and headed towards her.

Rhaella helped her sister to lift her upper body slightly, resting it against the pillow as the Maester passed her the baby. She placed the newborn on her chest, arms gently holding it like a nest and only then did she take a good look at its face.

A patch of golden hair was on his small forehead and upon being close to his mother, the baby opened its bright emerald eyes to look at her; his crying was long gone now that his mother was there.

"We have a Lannister. Your lord-husband will be happy" Rhaella said, offering a comforting smile to her sister.

"At least now we know a little bit what kind of name he will be given," she said, her power to crack a joke not gone yet as her eyes never left the baby.

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