LXXX. Arguments, Tears & Premonitions

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She was looking at him and while her face was impassive, he could see guilt in her amber eyes and perhaps some self-hatred. That is new, he thought and studied her.

He knew that she could be ruthless sometimes but orchestrating such a massacre? Such petty massacre while breaking the Laws of Hospitality? He did not know if he should be impressed or horrified.

"I must admit, Good-Mother. This is low, even for you" he finally said after another moment of silence.

This seemed to make Visenya snap. "Do not accuse me, Tyrion?" she said with a warning tone, quickly going to the defensive. "Lord Frey did his own thing and massacred everyone, including the women and the unborn baby. The plan was for Robb Stark to get killed and his generals" she explained.

Tyrion did not know the details like the unborn baby but upon hearing them, he could only scoff at her words. "Of course it was. Because the noble Lady Lannister would never truly order such horrifying acts as killing an unborn baby," he replied with sarcasm, clearly disappointed in her. Yet, he was in the mood to keep dropping salt on her wounds. "My, my, I wonder who could have even given her such inspiration" he commented, looking at his father while passively hinting at the incident with the Martells.

Tywin grew tired of being accused of his actions. "That is enough, Tyrion," he said, a small warning in his tone. His children really were in the mood lately to attack their good-mother from the looks of it. "She did what she had to for her family, which is more than I can say you are currently doing at the moment. I believe you still have some work to do on that score."

He wasted no time walking towards his desk, and leaving the papers on it while Visenya followed him but took a turn to refill her goblet. She was already feeling guilty for what happened to the pregnant wife and she did not need Tyrion to accuse her so openly when he could not be at her place.

However, neither she nor Tywin had the energy to truly argue. It was getting late, they had dealt with a lot and they had wasted a lot of their energy to control their tempers when Joffrey insulted them.

"And when do you imagine Sansa will be at her most fertile? Before or after I tell her how we murdered her mother and her brother?"Her pregnant sister-in-law that she would never meet?" Tyrion asked as he started to approach, venom dripping from every word that left his lips.

"One way or another, you will get that girl pregnant." His father said as he turned to face him, leaning back on his desk.

His son immediately understood what he was talking about and he felt offended. "I will not rape her." He argued back immediately and looked at Visenya. "How can you even allow him to say that?" he asked her.

She was standing in front of the tray table that had the jug and the goblet. Her goblet was in one hand but she did not drink wine from it, she did not directly look at him and not say anything; something she often did when she agreed with him or did not bother to argue.

Considering how mighty she acted and how kind-hearted like taking Sansa to King's landing and getting to know her, when no one else in the family did; he truly started to question if any of that was even true or all just a plan.

Then, something seemed to click in his mind. "Did you allow him to rape you too?" he asked next, starting to suspect that this was perhaps the reason his good-mother was so obedient around him; considering her fearsome reputation of accepting no man.

One might consider such an accusation extreme but Tyrion would not be that surprised if his father had actually acted like that towards her and went as far as to rape her on certain nights until she gave him an heir. Seeing that she had remained silent, he turned to his good father, who was glaring at him to drop the subject. However, his Imp for a son was not going to drop it.

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