XXVI. The Final Confrontation

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283 AC - RiverLands - Seat of Power: Aerys II Targaryen



had left Casterly Rock with 300 men, all of whom were former Targaryen Soldiers, who had chosen to follow her even after her marriage

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had left Casterly Rock with 300 men, all of whom were former Targaryen Soldiers, who had chosen to follow her even after her marriage.

Under the banner of the red three-headed dragon, they rode through the WesternLands and towards the RiverLands.

A few days on horseback eventually made them meet with the party they were after and would ally themselves with.

Rhaegar's lips formed a smile beneath his helm as he rode in front of his men, meeting his dear aunt halfway. Behind him were almost 40.000 men under his command, including Ten thousand Dornish, survivors of the Battle of the Bells, houses of the CrownLands and a sizable host from the Reach.

It was a tremendous army with at most a tenth of them knights while the rest were archers, free riders, and foot soldiers consisting of spearmen and pike men.

"Auntie, have I mentioned how much I missed you?" he asked, offering his charming smile and hoping he would escape her scolding for he had messed it up; big time.

Visenya did not smile and it was clear in her amber eyes that she was not pleased with the outcome of the last events. "Keep your charms for later, Rhaegar. For now, let us clear the mess both you and your father created"

She sided her horse with his, their armours contrasting with one another.

Rhaegar's armour was almost a pick black with a red cape, his helm having two long dragon wings as patterns similar to how many Targaryen men did from the Era of the Rogue Prince. His armour had details of dragons on it and was made in multiple parts to ensure no soft spots were exposed to sneaky attacks or arrows. His horse was of a similar shade, bearing its protective armour.

Hers on the other had a lighter touch of silver or dark grey.

It was made to be less fancy but more practical, lighter even to match her fighting style

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It was made to be less fancy but more practical, lighter even to match her fighting style. There was red clothing beneath, a matching shade to the red Targaryen sigil at the front of her chest, while her silver-white hair was braided and fell on her back. She bore no cape, finding it unnecessary and she had a basic helm that resembled the head of a dragon to the front but left most of her face exposed, compared to his. Her family sword, Dragon Heart, was strapped to her waist and her bow was placed across her chest; a quiver with arrows hanging by the left side of her saddle.

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