XL. The Prodigal Son Returns

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299AC - Lannister Camp - Crossroads, RiverLands - Seat of Power: Joffrey I Baratheon


The battle at the Golden Tooth has been a success and Jaime, encouraged by his victory has headed straight for the Riverrun. While the Lion was not the best strategist, he did have an immense number of soldiers that easily overpowered the unprepared and scattered Lords of the RiverLands.

At the same time, the couple of Lion and Dragon moved from the other side. They passed into RiverLand territory and attacked smaller cities, ensuring the multiple Lords that pledged loyalty to the Tullys; would not be able to gather their banners and assist when Jaime would siege the Castle.

They planned to remain there and be ready to ambush the Northerners when they arrived. For Eddard Stark had been taken prisoner, labelled as a Traitor now that Joffrey was King and that move had caused as it was expected; a war.

The North would try to gather banners and ride, Robb Stark on the lead but mostly controlled by the leaders of the other houses; who were far older than him. Visenya knew he would eventually come to the rescue of the Tullys since he could not go against King's Landing; not yet at least.

Now, they simply had to keep weakening the Riverlords and cover ground; being better prepared against him when he would arrive.

It was an effective strategy of divide and conquer, and the two genius tacticians behind it were pleased with how things were going. Their latest stop was at the Inn in the Crossroads, the very same place from where Tyrion had been abducted.

Tywin had the Innkeeper murdered, considering her as part of the attack and had let his men take over it; increasing their provisions with those stored at the cellars of the Inn.

After that was done, the camp settled around it; red tents spreading across the land as 30.000 men were stationed and awaited orders. Yet, many turned and looked at the newcomers that stood out against them.

Tyrion, now free, was marching among the tents with his latest companions behind him. One was a sword for hire and the other three were Clan Leaders, for the dwarf had surprisingly gathered and united the wild clans of the RiverLands under his command. With 300 in total, he actually felt proud and he knew it would make at least a good impression on his father than showing up empty-handed.

After all, he was his son in many ways; no matter how often Tywin chose to ignore it.

The Imp glanced at his companions, seeing that they were impressed by the endless tents, the soldiers and the sight of armour and swords all around them. It was a true show of the Lannister power and he was pleased, for he knew it would be easier to control them if they understood just how powerful his family was.

He eventually reached the tent, being far bigger compared to the others with two Lannister guards stationed outside. Tyrion recognised them, being in the service of his parents for many years.

At first, he wished to go alone inside but the clansmen did not allow him; still mistrusting him. Thus, he had to take a deep breath and March into the tent; after reassuring the guards that his companions were no threats.

Climbing up a few steps, he entered the spacious tent.

A long table had been placed, a map spreading across it with tokens marking different houses, armies and so on. One would also notice a few golden goblets positioned around the table, all belonging to the three main individuals in the tent.

His father, Tywin Lannister, sat on a chair and was looking at the map. He did not wear his armour but had a short bronze breastplate above his black leather jacket with a Lion on it; to symbolize his status.

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