XLVIII. Undercover Direwolf

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Harrenhal, RiverLands - 10 days since Visenya & Tywin arrived.


There had been no battles between the Lannisters and the Starks for days now, allowing both sides to gather men and prepare better. The weather was slowly becoming colder, evident that winter was around the corner.

While the war continued between the two great houses, others moved from their place on the sidelines; mostly the two Stag Siblings. With Renly's death, Stannis' manpower had increased and it would be a matter of time before he would make his move.

If he was smart enough, he would do it once the war was over and both armies had been weakened. Yet, due to the same war; he might choose to attack other more important and strategic points; knowing there were not many that could stop him.

During another war council, it came to the attention of the powerful couple that Ser Amory Lorch delivered a letter to their enemies instead of their allies.

Tywin held the said letter in his hands, his expression hard to read but everyone could feel the anger radiating from him. No one dared to speak or even breathe loudly, knowing very well that the Lion was about to prance upon them and rip their throats out with its powerful fangs.

Eventually, he spoke. "Can you read?" he asked the man sitting across from Visenya, who was at fault.

"My lord?" he exclaimed, clearly confused on the topic.

At the same time, Arya was about to serve some wine but Tywin used his hand and gently moved her back, so she wouldn't obstruct his view of any of his war council members.

The girl was confused for a moment until Visenya quietly motioned with her fingers to approach her. She grabbed her goblet and held it to the side, away from the table; allowing her to fill it without being in the way.

"Can you read?" Tywin asked again and Lord Amory just stared blankly back at him. "This letter detailing our infantry movements was meant for Lord Damon of House Marbrand. It was sent to Lord Marlyn of House Dormand" he explained, his voice stable despite the terrible mistake that endangered their army.

"My apologies, my lord. I must have-" he never got to finish as Tywin focused on Arya.

"Girl, fetch me the History of the Greater and the Lesser Houses. It's the one on this-" he did not have to continue explaining, since the girl picked up the right volume right away and brought it to the table.

This amused him to the point that he chuckled faintly at the whole scene while he stood up and opened the book.

Visenya was equally amused as she moved her goblet out of the way so there was space for the huge book. "Looks like a cupbearer can read better than you, Lord Amory" she commented, making the man flush in embarrassment but also worry.

Tywin opened the book and found the right page, leaving it open for him to see. It was the page for House Dormand, its sigil drawn perfectly in the top middle of the page while history and information were written beneath it.

"To whom does House Dormand owe allegiance?" the Lion asked.

"My lord, I-"

The Old Lion of Casterly Rock smacked both his hands on the table out of nowhere. "To the Starks of Winterfell!" he told him, his voice booming ever so slightly as he stared down at the incompetent man.

The sudden change and the sound startled Arya, making the wine jug shake in her hands and would have dropped it if a warmer bigger hand hadn't been placed on top of hers. She looked at the owner in shock, been so long since someone had touched her; let alone with such care.

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