XVII. Crossing the Line, part 2

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[A/N] - This was supposed to be a fluff but I guess it had hot hints of smut as well. Let it be known, that I usually don't write such things. I write much lighter fluff but I got a little carried away and felt going a little deeper with this attempt.

I hope it is to your liking and all this wait was worth it. Please let me know what you think about it and if you would like to see some more of such an intimate nature between Visenya & Tywin or if you prefer to keep it to more fluff instead.


Tywin had a personal meeting with Aerys, not so long ago. The King had already sent the girl he was sleeping with, away and had asked for Tywin's personal Lord of Casterly Rock study room for this discussion.

Wishing to be in his good graces for what he wanted to offer him, Tywin agreed and that was how the two of them ended up alone in the room. Lazily, Aerys had sat on the chair that rightfully belonged to Tywin and filled a goblet with red wine from a nearby jug.

"So, Tywin, what did you want us to talk about?" he asked as he leaned back on the chair and took a few sips of the wine.

The Lion stood across from him, the desk being the only object separating them. With the hands behind his back, he stood tall and proud. "I would like to suggest a union between our houses, your Grace" he started, earning the full attention of the King. "A marriage between your son and Crown Prince and my firstborn, Cersei. More so, my second born Jaime is in age to become a squire and the Crown Prince seems to be the best knight for him" he said without his voice quivering or his tone changing.

He was feeling quite hopeful of the plan and sure that the King would agree and perhaps that was what made the King's next words cut him deep enough to actually feel it. For the man he had befriended as a child and served loyally for almost 12 years did not even think of the option,

Instead, Aerys started to laugh loudly enough that any servant passing outside the door could hear him. His face even got a faint hue of red by the time he finished laughing. Then, he looked at Tywin the same way he would look at his court fool.

"You are my most able servant, Tywin, but a man does not marry his heir to his servant's daughter," he said bluntly to his face and swirled the red wine inside his goblet. "And of course, the son of a servant cannot be the squire of the crown prince either" he emptied his goblet in one go and started to refill it. "I am surprised that you haven't asked me yourself to marry my sister since you seem so keen to have your house aligned with mine"

Tywin was always a composed man, having learnt from a young age that acting on instincts and raising one's voice only made one look weaker. True power came from silence, control and body language.

Yet at that moment, as he saw the amusement on the King's face; he struggled to contain his anger. It wasn't only the fact that he had refused his offer but had gone as far as to call him a servant. Him! The man who kept the whole realm together.

He was the hand of the King but he was far from beneath him, to the point of being compared to any servant working in the Red Keep. It was bluntly offensive, wounding his pride and all he did to maintain the superiority and strength of his House.

Only a fool would refuse such an offer, let alone dare to insult their most trustworthy advisor in such a way.

It was at that moment when Tywin truly saw who Aerys was when he realized how bad of a King was. Whatever little part of their childhood relationship had stayed, it was no longer intact.

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