LVI. Battle of Blackwater Bay, part 2

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The battle was fierce and the Lannisters were at a disadvantage against the higher number of the Baratheon soldiers. Yet, motivated by Tyrion's words they fought with all their might and the Imp actually fought as well; even killing a man with his axe.

As the battle raged, Tyrion managed to wound another enemy soldier as one of his comrades finished him off. He turned and saw a Baratheon soldier ready to end him but before he could, he was tackled to the ground by a Lannister soldier.

He could not help but smile, happy to see that the men had his back until Ser Balon Swann pointed out to him where enemy soldiers were swarming off a broken galley smashed on a pier. That's when he realized that if they were to destroy those pieces, Stannis' men would not be able to reach them; at least not that easily and they could win enough time to handle the men that had made it on land,

With a war cry, he led some of his men to charge the invaders and stop them from reaching the sores; preventing them from trapping the Lannister forces between two fronts made of Baratheon Soldiers.

Somewhere in the battle, he lost his axe but found another weapon and fought on, climbing across the unstable wreckage with Balon and Mandon until rocks from the walls smashed the galleys apart, knocking him into the water.

Tyrion desperately climbed up the remains of a deck and observed confusedly that there was fighting on the wrong side of the river. He then heard someone call for him and shouted for help.

Ser Mandon appeared and offered him a hand, but Tyrion sensed something wrong when he noticed that it was the left hand while the Kingsguard was a right-handed man. At the last moment, he flung himself backwards just as Mandon tried to kill him with his sword.

The sword left a gash across his face, barely missing his eyes while the force made Tyrion fall into the shallow waters. He managed to pull himself up but stumbled, feeling the loss of blood and sudden attack affecting him while the sharp pain coming from his face made it hard for him to focus.

Ser Mandon was ready to finish him off when a knife was plunged at the back of the knight's head, the blade having stuck deep enough for the hilt to reach the base of the man's hair. Dead, the knight collapsed on the ground.

The dwarf saw a figure rushing his way with a sword at hand, golden hair being reflected by the red, yellow and green flames all around them.

"Jaime?" he croaked, almost choking on the blood that filled his mouth. Who else would save him, if not his brother?

"Close enough, brother" a familiar voice said and a pair of hands caught him as he was about to collapse.

"Trystan" he mumbled and slowly sat down and held against the boy's body as the fighting continued.

"Remember brother, you owe me the secrets of your speech. So, you cannot die on me yet" he said and fixed the grip on his blade, ready to take down anyone approaching.

He looked around him at the same time, trying to find a path to retreat with Tyrion and pull him to safety but it was almost impossible in the chaos of bodies. Bronn and Podrick were close by, having seen Tyrion wounded and helping to defend Trystan.

"We have to get him out of here before someone chooses to finish him off" Bronn said and moved even closer to them as Tyrion tried to remain focused on the battle but felt himself slowly losing consciousness.

"If you find a way to do so, take the lead" Trystan argued and pulled his hand from Tyrion's body to pull out his valyrian steel dagger from the corpse of the Kingsguard.

The fight around them kept going but more and more Lannister men fell while some Baratheon Soldiers managed to break through the mud Gate and were making their way inside the Red Keep.

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