CXXXIV. Love & Friendship Until The End

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After the confession about the Red Wedding, the meeting could properly start; although not a lot of planning took place. The basic ideas were thrown, and the numbers of each army were discussed but there were arguments over what was better to do.

Jon was forced to cut the meeting short in order to think of all the ideas while letting them think of what more they needed to do, most specifically what they thought their armies could do since there was a big variety in terms of manpower, weapons, specialities and so on.

When it was over, Tywin was the first to stand and he did not have to say anything but merely look at Visenya. She knew what he needed and she silently obeyed, following after him as they left the Great Hall and headed for their chambers.

The Dragoness did not spare any glance at Oberyn, not brave enough to see his look after her confession. She would, eventually, but not now. Kevan followed right behind her but he was not going to join them. He simply covered their exit as many Lords glared at them as they passed by, and specifically glared at her.


Guest Chambers for Visenya & Tywin, West Wing– Winterfell, The North - Not Long After


Tywin almost pulled her into their given chambers and closed the door behind them. He had once again grabbed her wrist, ironically the same wrist and refused to let her go.

"What do you think you are doing?" he asked her again, practically hissing as he stared at her with disbelief, frustration and mild anger.

Yet, Visenya was not going to apologize to him this time nor did she back down from his hard gaze; she never did.

"Saving your life. Do you have any idea what those Lords would do to you?" she argued, coming face to face with him but having a small distance between them.

She did not try to free her hand from his grip but she could feel that as his temper rose, so did his grip on her increased. She did not let it bother her, for at that moment she was far too stubborn and ready to argue.

She had been travelling for 2 months, crossing across half of Westeros in a frenzy to gather their allies. She had been stressed about the meeting, about Jaime and him. She had lost sleep over her Dragon Dreams and she was tired of having to carry this guilt all around her.

She had been miserable in those two months despite having Loras and Oberyn by her side. She had been thinking about the worst-case scenarios while she had to sleep every night, only to dream of the huge army of undead that was reaching the wall; with a freaking ice dragon joining them as well.

Tywin felt his anger flaring like a fire that had constantly been fed wood to grow bigger and more powerful. His other hand went and grabbed her shoulder, unable to truly squeeze her skin since her armour stood in the way but the message was passed all the way.

"Will you let me for once save yours?!" he asked, his tone rising slightly as he chose not to try and control his body or his actions, not as fully as he used to. "Is it that hard to act selfish for once?"

Honestly, he had gotten tired of seeing his wife risking her life to save him. She had done it with the High Sparrow, she did it now with the Red Wedding, she did it with the arrow that was shot from Tyrion's crossbow...heck, and she even did it by working with Oberyn to ensure the Red Viper would not come after him.

This was starting to become ridiculous. He was the husband, he was the man of the family and he should be protecting her.

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