LX. Visions & Failed Family Reconnections

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House of the Undying, Quarth - Essos


Daenerys had walked into the House of the Undying, not sure what to expect. However, with her babies taken from her; she was ready to face even the Stranger himself to get them back. Their cries led her through endless corridors that all looked the same, doors that led to more corridors or odd visions.

First, she had seen her loving but dead Husband; Khal Drogo with their unborn son. Afterwards, he saw a Targaryen man holding a baby and standing next to a beautiful sitting woman. She was not sure who they were, her mind too focused on getting out of there to think properly.

At last, she had a third vision but that was something that both confused and terrified her.

She had found herself somewhere very North. All around her was nothing but falling snow, having already formed thick layers beneath and around her feet. She wrapped her hands around her exposed body, her clothing fit for the hot Eastern weather and could not protect her from the sudden cold; vision or not.

She looked around, trying to find a way out but could not. That was until someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards one specific side. Turning fast, she was ready to attack the stranger but froze upon seeing their face.

They had white hair like her but it was their eyes that were different. Instead of violet, they were a bright amber that seemed to have flecks of red inside; reminding Daenerys of the beautiful embers she saw whenever she looked into a flame.

"Danny, we have to go; now!" the woman said, her voice matching her aged face.

She was far older than her but not that old, perhaps the same age her mother would be if she was alive.

Something about the tone of her voice seemed to affect her and she found herself obeying. Hand in hand, they started to run through the empty snow plains. It was then that Daenerys noticed the woman's outfit, wearing full dark armour with the Targaryen dragon on the front and back of it.

"You need to keep running, do not stop" the woman urged her, feeling her slowing down.

"My children...I need to find my dragons" Danny eventually said as she kept trying.

The woman looked at her from above her shoulder, the winter wind pushing and tangling her white hair. "You will find them and eventually you will find me as well" she told her and somehow managed to lead her towards some dark familiar walls and a door.

Daenerys entered first and the door closed behind her before she could look, ask or even thank the mysterious woman. Somehow, she felt as if she knew her but she was currently stuck as to how or from where.

It all felt too real to be a vision, too...important to be an illusion. All the other ones were things she wanted, things to keep her there but this one...it felt as if it was meant to warn her...of a trap.

The sound of her baby dragons shouting made her halt all of her thoughts, questions and worries. She could hear them much closer now and she realized this mysterious woman had led her directly to them.

She would think about her and everything once she had her children back.


The feast continued but eventually, it was dispersed, allowing many of the Lords and Ladies to retreat to their chambers or depart; since the ceremony to honour the brave and loyal ones was done.

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