CXLI. Unexpected Visions, part 1

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After the War Meeting was over, Trystan had chosen to stay a little bit back; especially when he caught the eye of Sansa. His family noticed but it was Visenya that helped him the most. She wrapped her hand around Tywin's and looked at him in the eyes.

"Can we talk in private?" she asked, not giving away what they wished to talk about.

He glanced at his son one last time but in the end, the Old Lion gave a head nod and the two of them walked out of the Great Hall. Visenya did not look behind her but she was certain Trystan was smiling, his silent way of thanking her for her interference.

"Well, at least we know she is in your side" Tyrion commented as more and more Lords and Free Folk left the room, while Sansa remained sitting.

Trystan watched them all go, but his eyes occasionally would fall on Sansa. "Yeah. I just hope she manages to trick Father"

"After what you just pulled, I do not think there is much to worry about," the dwarf said. "But honestly, when the fuck did you learn about the underground tunnels?"

The Half-Lion smirked as he slowly stood up. "I read about it." He answered him." Well, I read about the history of Winterfell and eventually connected the dots" he explained better and took notice that Sansa had finally stood up.

Jaime placed his hand on his shoulder. "We will leave. You two can talk" he told his brother and motioned for Tyrion to follow him.

The dwarf glanced at the two lovebirds and offered a small sad smile. At least one of his siblings might have a chance to be happy, for now. Considering their positions, he doubted their Father would allow him to continue it; but for now, he could at least try.

Once everyone had left the Great Hall and it was the two heirs that stayed behind, only then did they seem to release a breath they were holding. Trystan started to walk towards her, shoulders pulled back and hands by his sides.

"Lady Sansa" he greeted him, even though both had somehow mentally agreed to stay back and talk. "I would like to thank you, for hearing my idea and agreeing with it"

The young Dire wolf smiled, looking up at the taller Half-Lion. Due to the time they pass together, the two of them once again start to come a little closer and be even more comfortable around one another; even more than they were in King's Landing.

"I should thank you for pointing out the grave mistake we were about to make," she said, once again not allowing him to be so humble. "Your idea was a really smart one"

Hearing her praise made him puff his chest faintly in pride and offer her a charming but sweet smile. "Well," he cleared his throat, hands moving to be behind his back. "I wouldn't have gotten all that information if you had not shown and escorted me to the Library"

"I am glad, then, that our trips there helped you. You definitely shocked most of the Lords with your knowledge" she joked, chuckling faintly at her joke.

"I am pretty sure I managed to shock even my family, which is an achievement of its own" he joked back, making her chuckle and try to hide it behind her hand.

"It is a good achievement. I will be from those that need to stay away from the battle and I do feel safer now, after hearing your idea" she confessed the very faint pink hue on her cheeks.

He offered her a sweet smile. "I do not like to lie, Lady Sansa" he started, licking his dry lips as he gathered his thoughts. "I was intentionally reading about the tunnels and other safe passages because I was thinking about your safety, during the Great War" he confessed, glancing at his feet momentarily but then reminding himself to look at her. "I am aware that I will fight better if I know that you will be safe and away from any danger"

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