LXXVII. A Walk Around King's Landing, part 1

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[A/N] - Hey Guys, I wanted to personally thank you all for your kudos and comments. I know I usually post two chapters but I might start posting one each day. Have been feeling rather tired and my progress has been slowed (might also be the fact that I have written 77 chapters in less than a month and my brain just starts to slow down😅)

I do not wish to let the story go or make you wait months before updates. So I try to at least keep a stable schedule and update one chapter a day, maybe two if I find the energy and time.


Visenya did mean that they should explore the city and eventually it was decided for Tyrion to remain behind. They meant to go undercover, for starters, and the dwarf was not hard to recognise; especially with the hatred people had for him while he was Hand.

Thankfully, the Dragoness would not tell her husband and neither would her guards. Thus, this lets, Visenya, Sansa, Trystan and two more guards get on horses and head to the city.

"I do apologize for the chosen transport, Lady Sansa but it draws far less attention than a carriage" Visenya explained as they rode their horses down one of the busier and bigger streets of the city.

Both had been dressed in more common dresses, nothing too expensive or overly fancy. They also had cloaks around them, plain and with no sigil on them while the hoods were lifted over their heads to cover their hair and partially their face.

"It is quite alright, my Lady. It has been a while since I had been on top of a horse" Sansa said, riding a gentle brown mare while the Dragoness rode her black one.

"If I could, it would be my most preferred and chosen mode of transport. However, now it is important to pass as simple court ladies, to avoid any unnecessary trouble" she explained, the two of them riding side by side.

Behind them was Trystan and the guards, all dressed in more common clothing but had their swords with them and so did Visenya; although hers was hidden by her cloak. It felt odd for Sansa, to see a woman carrying a sword but somehow despite what she wore; the Dragoness made it all work out.

"I understand, my lady," she said timidly but with less nervousness than before since Tywin was not present.

She kept looking forward but she did feel the need to glance behind her at Trystan. It was odd for her, to see him dressed in something so casual and not in the expensive fabrics all of his family usually wore.

Visenya noticed but did not say anything. "King's Landing has a lot of main rods, alleys and squares. This one is called the Street of Looms" she explained to Sansa.

The younger girl blinked a few times as her brain registered and processed the latest information. "Loom? Like..."

The Dragoness nodded. "That is right. Our first official stop is to an old friend of mine" she said with a small smile.

Eventually, they came to a halt in front of a two-storey building. It was of similar design to the others around but there was a peculiar sign of three bells hanging above the door; swaying faintly with the passing breeze.

The Dragoness smiled and climbed off her horse with ease, the soldiers and Trystan did the same. Sansa hesitated for a moment until the Half Lion appeared and offered his hand silently.

She smiled and blushed but accepted his help nonetheless. She was careful as she climbed off the horse, feeling Trystan's strong hands carefully and gently placed on her waist as she was helped down.

Once her feet were on the ground, Sansa looked down to hide her rosy cheeks but kept her smile. "Thank you, Ser Trystan," she said.

Something about her smile was contagious and the Half-Lion offered a charming smile of his own as he withdrew his hands and placed them behind his back. "Always a pleasure, Lady Sansa" he said and the two of them just stood there until the Dragoness cleared her throat.

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