LXVII. Small Council Meetings & Bitter Truths

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Small Council Chambers, Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands – Early nightfall


Visenya was surprised when Tywin had called her into the Chambers of the Small Council, surprisingly being in good timing with her leave from Olenna's solar.

"This will be an unlike surprise to all of them" she pointed out as she filled a goblet of wine from the car in the corner and took a sip.

The council members would arrive very soon and they were not expecting them.

"I could care less what their opinion is. Right now I need people I can work with. Considering Cersei and Tyrion will be present as well, better you also be" he said, moving to stand behind his chair at the head of the table.

He had carefully placed all chairs to his left, leaving a single chair to the right for her.

"You know I would never deny a chance to attend a meeting, not when important things are at stake," she said, not even needing to bring up Jaime because he knew.

"Good. After it is over, you can tell me how your meeting with that Old Thorn went" he added just as the sound of steps could be heard coming down the hallway.

Visenya emptied her goblet in one go and moved to stand by his right, her back as straight as ever and her amber eyes glowed dangerously. The doors were pushed open by two guards and the members of the small council came to a halt upon meeting their sharp gaze.

They quickly noticed how the chairs had been arranged and how the Lion and the Dragoness were looking at him. Tywin did have a far harder and intimidating stare, his presence magnified by having Visenya by his side.

They did not expect her to be present but they were not surprised. Any clever man knew that the Dragoness possessed a dangerous mind and it was her opinion sometimes Tywin would consider. Usually, the wife of the Hand would not be present in such matters but neither would be Tyrion; who had appeared right after the rest of the men. Joffrey was absent on a hunt and Cersei would attend in his place as his mother, although she had yet to come.

Tywin wasted no time sitting and motioned for the others to do so. Visenya took her seat as per usual by his right and the rest of the council moved to take their own seats. There was this small silent confusion, none truly knowing where to sit but in the end, it was decided.

Petyr was directly by Tywin's left and right across from Visenya. He offered a small charming smile but quickly made it disappear when he felt the Old Lion glaring at him from the corner of his eye.

Next to the mockingbird sat Varys and last was Pycelle, his chains making a rather annoying sound until he was finally seated.

Tyrion watched amused, seeing how stiff and silent the men were in the presence of his father but he did not move to a seat yet. He remained standing and waited until his sister graced them with her presence.

She also said nothing but surveyed the room and saw how all the chairs had been placed. That did not stop her as she lifted one chair and moved it around the table, eventually placing it next to Visenya.

The two women exchanged a silent look with their eyes, the events of last night not having been forgotten.

In the end, Tyrion decided to follow her example. He started to drag the chair noisily but also comically due to his lack of height and strength before placing it opposite the head of the table.

He sat down and looked as everyone went quiet, the atmosphere tense and it often reminded him of any family dinner they had over the past 20 years. "Intimate. Lovely table. Better chairs than the old small council chamber. Conveniently close to your own quarters. I like it." He commented, trying to humour the others and not liking how serious the mood was.

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