CIV. Confessions

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[A/N] - This is the chapter where the biggest change takes place. From this chapter and onwards, we move completely to an AU timeline constructed by me.


Tyrion heard his voice, the very same voice that he had been hearing all his life. It had the same tone of disappointment it always had and for the first time in his life, the dwarf Lion did not care about it.

"Father" Tyrion spat and turned his head above his shoulder to look at him, his body positioned sideways so the crossbow could remain aimed at Visenya; preventing her from doing any moves.

"What a disappointment you have turned out to be" Tywin said without a simple hint of worry that Visenya could easily be shot.

Dressed in a tunic and pants, he still looked and acted as if he had control of everything in the room; which he did but Tyrion refused to acknowledge or see it in his state of anger.

His words seemed to tick Tyrion, who was weighing the options on whom to aim the crossbow in the end. Visenya was not that innocent but his father did keep asking for it as if thinking his own son would not shoot him.

Visenya simply sent him a look, understanding what he was doing but she did not approve. It was evident that Tywin was trying to anger Tyrion more and force him to point the crossbow at him, thus keeping her out of harm's way.

"I am sure you must have been used to it by now, Father" Tyrion said as the guards in the room moved one step at a time. "But since you are here, you save me the trouble of finding you" he continued, bringing the crossbow closer to Visenya's body. "Answer me my question or good-mother here will pay in your place"

If the threat worked in any way, Tywin did not show it or the low illumination of the candles did not reveal the small details on his face. The Mighty Lion did not make a single move, eyes momentarily glancing at Visenya; who had remained silent but was trying to pass him a message.

Do not do anything stupid, was the message and if they were alone, he would have scoffed.

"Very well. What do you want to ask me?" he asked and waited.

"What did you do with Tysha?" He asked, his voice dangerously low as his mismatched eyes almost glowed with pure hatred for the man, who raised him.

"I don't remember," he said rather casually as if he should have any knowledge of that girl's whereabouts after the punishment ended. "However, I do suppose the steward sent her away after she learned her place"

His words seemed not to help with the situation but the fact that Tysha might not be dead bypassed some of the current anger. "Where?" he asked, the tiniest glimpse of hope audible in his voice.

"Where all whores go"

Visenya, who had been observing Tyrion in silence, took notice of how his grip on the crossbow was weakened just a tad, surprised by how Tywin called the girl and with the lack of care about her wellbeing after what he ordered his soldiers to do to her.

Acting fast, she lifted her knee and used the force to redirect the crossbow to the roof. The force almost made Tyrion stumble and with the new opening, the Dragoness pushed herself off the bed and put some distance between her and Tyrion.

She backwalked until she stood next to Tywin, who had narrowed his eyes dangerously. He did not take threats well, especially threats against her.

"Now!" he ordered to the 2 Guards, who had moved carefully all this time and were waiting for the order.

They tried to tackle Tyrion and seize the weapon from him but the dwarf was smaller and faster than them.

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