LXXXIX. The Purple Wedding, part 2

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After Tywin had managed to free himself from some of the Lords, he had started to walk around and search for his wife. Last time he spotted her with Trystan, which was what had eased his mind temporarily.

As he walked, he spotted Cersei with a smirk on her face and the two of them started to walk side by side, like father and daughter. Ever since the event of the Small Council, they hadn't truly talked but Cersei had been more behaved than before.

He would like to believe that she accepted her upcoming marriage to Loras, although a part of him doubted.

"You're in rather a good mood." He pointed out, which he did not expect since Joffrey was getting married to a girl that Cersei did not like and knew was trying to manipulate him.

"I suppose I am." His daughter confessed.

Her father chuckled faintly, knowing her too well. "I won't ask why."

"Small pleasures." She explained to him rather vaguely with a smile but then noticed that he was not focused on her.

Instead, his attention had been locked ahead where they spotted Oberyn, Visenya and a Dornish woman talking; the smiles upon their lips giving away the good time they were having.

Cersei noticed how his jaw tensed and his gaze turned cold, whatever amusement and good mood he had was long gone by now.

Of course, she would get his attention, she thought bitterly but walked by his side nonetheless while making their way towards the trio.

They seemed to be discussing something and Oberyn was the one to see them first. Visenya realized it last, her smile dropping upon sensing the intimidating presence of her husband right behind her.

He moved to be by her left, his gaze hard and he barely glanced at her. She could, though, sense the anger radiating from him as he tried to stare down the Dornish prince.

However, Oberyn was unfazed by it and instead was amused; seeing the jealousy that was written all over the face of the Old Lion. "Your Grace. Lord Tywin."

Out of formalities, Tywin had to greet back although it was clear he did not wish to. "Prince Oberyn."

"I don't believe you have met Ellaria. This is the Lord Hand Tywin Lannister and Cersei Lannister, the Queen Regent. I suppose it is the former Queen Regent now. Lord Hand and Lady Cersei, Ellaria Sand." He said, not caring about the glare sent to him by Cersei after mocking her title.

He was in the mood to mess around with all the Lions, especially in front of the man that he wished for years to kill. He had his chance now and he was not going to miss it.

Ellaria offered a small smile. "My lord. My lady." She eyed each one of them carefully, her eyes casting on Tywin just a moment longer.

The Old Lion put a fake smile on his face. "Charmed. I see you have already met my Lady Wife, Visenya Lannister" he said, moving his hand to place it around her waist.

The movement was subtle but the Dragoness could feel the pressure of his fingers and the tightness of his grip. She kept the small fake smile of hers, giving nothing away but she could tell Tywin was feeling threatened and jealous around Oberyn.

Cersei, who seemed clueless of everything, focused on the woman. She was young, with a beautiful body and her outfit was attracting a lot of attention from men and even some women alike. "Can't say I've ever met a Sand before. I'm not quite sure what to call you"

This made Ellaria drop her smirk, realizing where this discussion was going and could see right through the Lioness' fake smile while her green eyes burned with jealousy and hatred.

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