LCVIII. Miracles & Trials

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Temporary Chambers of Visenya & Tywin, West Wing – Winterfell, The North – 7 days after the Big Battle


Seven days had passed ever since the Night King had been defeated. Seven days since Jaime brought in an injured and unconscious Visenya. Seven days of the Lion Pride keeping guard next to her, waiting for the day she would wake up.

Tywin was, as per usual, the one by her side. Ever since Oberyn's visit, he had allowed others to also come as he left for a few minutes to get something to eat but he was the one spending most time by the side of his wife.

He stood with his back turned, arms behind him while his golden-flecked green eyes were looking outside.

The winter was still upon them but it was not the harsh and cold season they had suffered for months. The weather was getting warmer with each passing day, the sun was out more and everyone knew spring would eventually come.

The courtyard was buzzing with life, men of all occupations and lands mixing with one another like long-lost friends. The arguments and the hostility between them had mostly disappeared, the grief and the near-death experience having brought them closer.

The Old Lion never truly believed he would see such a day and now all he could do was silently scoff at the sight. While he did enjoy moments of peace, hard life had taught him to expect the worst; since one way or another, it would come.

Of course, that could not be said about Visenya.

His wife was always more optimistic and she would feel proud, to know that somehow her hard work paid off; and the realms were united, to a certain extent.

It was the 7th day of her 'sleeping' and should be the last day, according to the Maester, who had taken care of her. If she was not to wake up by the time the sun would set, it was quite certain that she never would.

Her wounds had healed rather well and her skin had yet to grow a sickly white, which was the only good sign Tywin could see. The scars on her face were still fresh and quite visible while her arm was bandaged, the bone taking most of its time to heal.

While his attention was focused outside and his mind occupied by thoughts, he was still vigilant of what was happening in the room.

So when he was certain he heard the tiniest of sounds, he turned his head towards the direction of the bed.

Visenya had started to stir awake slowly and he wasted no time to cover the distance with long strides and sit by her side.

The Dragoness opened her eyes slowly, feeling them rather heavy and...Odd. One eyelid felt way heavier than the other and her vision was quite blurry, though it had started to slowly clear as her brain started to focus on things.

She caught movement by her side and barely had the strength to move her sore neck and turn her head. As more and more details became clearer, she could not help but offer a weak smile once she realized she was staring straight at Tywin.

His one hand was holding hers and as her senses were slowly waking up, she could feel the roughness of his palm against her skin. She barely managed to move her fingers and as if he knew, she interlocked them with his.

"Easy, Visenya," he told her, seeing that she was trying to push herself.

As it had happened with her miscarriage, her body would take a few moments to fully wake up. Her vision, speech and senses would be the first but movement would come slower; since she had been lying motionless for 7 days straight.

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