XV. Tourney at Lannisport

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[A/N] - Finally, we are in the arc where things truly get heated for Tywin & Visenya. In the next chapter, there will be a much-awaited fluff scene that I am sure many of you wished to see from before.


726 AC - King's Landing - CrownLands - Seat of Power: Aerys II Targaryen


After the morning when Visenya broke fast with Tywin and his family, the meeting was repeated quite a few times over the course of the year.

Tyrion kept staring at her every single time, Jamie seemed to be happy having her around and even Cersei seemed to tolerate her more.

There was something about her presence and her willingness to answer their questions that offered a sense of normality to everyone.

Tywin could not remember when it was the last time they dined without awkward silence or when the kids seemed to be interested in someone outside of their family.

Visenya seemed to be natural with the kids as well, her smile coming more naturally when she was around them and even Kevan seemed to enjoy her company. Many times Tywin just observed her and studied her as she remained the epitome of etiquette and manners but also had this motherly side; which surprisingly worked on his kids as well.

The year passed and by the beginning of the next, Queen Rhaella gave birth to yet another boy. Aerys was ecstatic, his happiness not measurable at the happy news.

Visenya was relieved that her sister was healthy and survived the birthing process. The boy, who was named Viserys, seemed to have taken her soft features.

She leaned over the cradle, watching the thin but healthy baby as he slept. His tiny hands held on her index finger, holding with quite a grip.

The Dragon Princess watched him sleep, smiling all the time as she memorised every little feature of the baby. Her sister was sitting on a chair, resting her body after feeding her baby.

Aerys had been rather protective of the baby, especially after all those miscarriages and had put a guard above the crib 24/7. Even Rhaella was not allowed to be alone with the baby and of course, neither was Visenya.

"He has your eyes" the Princess commented as she gently rocked the cradle.

The guard was stationed by the door, his eyes always locked on their form as if they would murder the baby while it slept.

Rhaella smiled and enjoyed watching them, knowing Visenya didn't truly have much time or chance to be with her family.

"I know and I am sure he looks like me, although I do fear he will take after Aerys when he grows up; hopefully only in appearance" she confessed, her voice low from exhaustion, dark circles under her eyes.

Visenya glanced in her direction. "He will but not as much. Your features will be visible as well" she said, making her sister look her way with a knowing look. A mental question was in her mind and her younger sister knew what it was. "Yes," she answered her. "He will wear your crown, you will give it to him and he will carry it with pride" she explained, being as vague as possible due to the guard present in the room.

Her words seemed to reassure Rhaella, whose body relaxed more on the chair while Visenya turned to focus back on the baby.

"He likes you" the Queen pointed out. "Doubt there is any kid that doesn't" she continued.

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