XXI. Sacrifices for the Greater Good

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With Aerys' paranoia growing, Visenya knew it was a matter of time before things turned for the worse. She could not let Tywin be out of the game because the whole kingdom would collapse.

In addition, if Tywin were to retreat then the Capital would lose one of its most powerful allies both in terms of gold but also power. War and a rebellion would come right afterwards and there was only one way to stop it from taking place.

To do so, Visenya had requested a private meeting with the King. To her surprise, he accepted but he did have his remaining 6 King's guards in the room while he kept a safe distance from her. He was sitting on his chair behind the desk, trying to remain posed and calm but his anxiety was visible to her.

"It is not like you to privately ask me about it. What is it that you want to tell me?" he asked, choosing to start first to remind her that he was in control and he was the King.

Visenya, who easily understood, simply chose to play it clueless and be as less aggressive as possible. For her plan to work, she had to keep Aerys believing he was in control while honeycoating all the necessary information to appease his ego.

"I wanted us to discuss about the rift between our House and House Lannister" she started, quickly drawing his full attention. "I am well aware of the rising power of your Lord Hand and I can see that you see him as a future threat, which is a very wise insight"

Her words seemed to make him think one thing and then quickly change it, as she turned the conversation to be about hi. "Of course I do. You think I am some sort of a fool, to let him control me? The King?!"

You are a fool for other things, dear brother, she commented in her mind as she thought of her next words carefully.

"I do not, your grace. You are the King and no one can ever fool you" she said, slowly easing his sudden burst of anger. "However, House Lannister is one of our best allies and we cannot risk losing their support. For that, I have a proposition to make" she said, her hands relaxed by her side.

Aerys was tense and stressed, holding one arm of the chair with a lethal grip as he heard her. Her fake praises seemed to bypass his paranoid defences, making him a little bit more at ease but he was still careful; never letting go of his mistrust.

"What do you have in mind?" he finally asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

"Father always said that a daughter's position is to strengthen her house through marriage and I believe it is due time I step in" she started as she kept her head high and decided to throw her idea out in the open. "I will abdicate my claims to the throne and I will unite our houses by marrying Lord Tywin Lannister. Any heirs of our union will have no claim to the throne as well"

Her suggestion made Aerys think for a moment as he eyed her carefully. He was never truly that good to see through people, getting easily deceived by someone trying to appease his ego. Yet, he still felt reluctance at the idea.

Visenya had made his reign a living hell by turning down all the suitors who had come for her. If it were up to him, he would have sent her away a long time ago but he had chosen not to bother with her defiant nature.

Now to listen from her own mouth that she wished to be married, it did not settle well with him. This had to be a trick, right?

"Why would you choose to marry now? You put us in all that trouble by avoiding marriage altogether" he pointed out, trying to make her confess to her lies.

"I did not wish to marry to a house that could not offer us what we needed. House Lannister is the exception and both you, your grace and the Kingdom, only benefit from this decision"

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