XLII. An Easy Victory...Perhaps Too Easy

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It barely was the crack of dawn when the first horns of battle echoed across the Lannister camp. At the sound of it, men rushed out of their cots and headed straight for their weapons while their squires helped them wear their armour.

Horses were being saddled, boots were being worn and there was chaos all around as everyone rushed to get ready.

Tyrion was amongst them as Shae helped him wear temporary unfitting armour since his private custom-made one was left at Casterly Rock. He did not like it but he barely paid it mind as someone brought him a horse while panic ensued all around.

He looked around, barely being pulled back by Bronn as a few knights ran close to them on their horses. "I do believe I owe you once more" he commented, feeling his heart beating faster at the realization of how close he was to being trapped under the hooves.

"Yeah well, do not die so I can get my payment" he said, taking the reins of a horse held by a squire.

Tyrion took a chance to study Bronn, seeing him rather calm but on guard while Shae was holding onto the dwarf's arm for dear life; frightened and worried.

Suddenly, through the chaos of battle; a familiar voice reached them.

"To your stations! I want to see every ready soldier to the front!" Visenya's powerful commanding voice seemed to boom above the chaos.

Through a cloud of dust, the powerful hooves of her black mare were heard as she came to a halt close to them. She sat on top of her mount, dressed in her armour but missing her helm. Her sword was by her side and her bow strapped across her body.

She looked as fierce and dangerous as the stories told about her from the fight against the Silver Lions to the battle at the Trident. The years had not taken the energy from her, her face serious and calm despite what was going on around them.

She stared down at Tyrion, Shae and Bronn; looking even taller and mightier on top of the midnight black animal that had its own front armour. "Ser Gregor is waiting for you and your tribesmen. Do not be late Tyrion, timing is important" she reminded him, her voice emotionless and yet commanding.

Without waiting for him to say anything, she guided her horse away and soon let it gallop through the tents as more men joined her; heading straight for the gathering point.

Tyrion just watched her go, the first time seeing her in the heat of battle and oh boy; those stories did not do her justice. Yet, it did make him feel odd considering how she was up and ready while he had to be woken by Bronn.

"If your good-mother was not married, I would try my luck with her" Bronn commented, making Tyrion pause his thoughts as he was helped on his horse and was handed an axe.

"If my dear father ever perishes in combat, I will let her know there is a replacement available" he said back, somehow finding the courage to joke despite the pressure that they had to move.


The horns were the sign of the Northerners approaching, being spotted by the scouts on patrol. The men from the North were led by Roose Bolton, the number of men he commanded being little less than half of the total men Robb had carried his banners and almost all were infantry.

The plan had been set from the day before and the disciplined Lannister soldiers were quick to take their positions under their respective commanders.

Kevan commanded ten thousand men alone, in the centre, with Lords Lefford, Lydden and Serrett at his side with three hundred heavy horses. His foot archers were also arranged in three long lines east and west of the kingsroad. Between the archers were squares of pikemen, and behind them were ranks of men-at-arms wielding axes, swords, and spears.

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