XLIV. A Change of Plans

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Somewhere in the Riverlands - Lannister War Camp


After learning of Robb's plans, Tywin set a gruelling pace back toward the Trident in an attempt to reach Riverrun before the Starks. With the speed he had put his armour on when the first battle horns were heard the morning of the same day, with the same speed he had geared up and forced the army to move.

They left the bodies of the weak and the wounded in their wake every day and it was all for nothing; Robb Stark had beaten them there by many days. When the news finally arrived of Jaime's capture, it felt as if the sun had stopped moving across the sky.

The Stark have made their biggest mistake by capturing Jaime because Tywin felt the same rage he did back at Castamere. Those who knew him knew that sooner or later; their demise would come by his hand.

At their last camp, forced after learning of the news; everyone gathered at the military meeting. Kevan and Visenya were at their respective places and even Tyrion was part of the meeting, sitting next to his good-mother.

The men argued with one another on how the capture took place and what went wrong, while Tywin was standing not so far away from them and was trying to keep his composure in check. However, with the arguments and the useless talk; it was becoming a tough battle and he was not sure he would win it.

"I say it was Jaime's decision to split his army into three camps that caused him to be open for the ambush" Ser Harys Swyft said.

Yet, Kevan calmly argued since he understood the plan better. "Because of Riverrun's position at the fork of the Tumblestone and the Red Fork anyone wishing to besiege has to place one army north of the Tumblestone, one south of the Red Fork, and one between the two rivers to the west"

"Ser Jaime's army had no warning" another knight pointed out. "Yet, if Ser Jaime had not gone rode out personally to lead with the raiding force in the Whispering Woods, he wouldn't have been captured"

Kevan said nothing because he had warned his nephew. He warned him to be wary of the mercenaries but he did not listen and fell right into the trap.

"All is lost" Ser Harry said, being the pessimist he was known to be. "Jaime's host is all destroyed or put to flight and the Starks and Tullys now stand astride their supply lines, cutting our own army off from supplies and our homeland. Robb Stark can even march on Casterly Rock if he wishes" he pointed out, making many glance at the stiff but unmoving turned back of Tywin. "We must sue for peace-"

He never finished his sentence as a wine goblet was thrown against the wall and shattered into a dozen pieces. This made everyone freeze and look at the thrower, being none other than a standing Visenya.

She had been silent, trying to keep her composure but she was angry; no she was pissed. Jaime was like a son to her and he wasn't just captured, he was a prisoner and they had no true leverage to bring him back.

Hearing all those men talk, trying to point fingers at someone when clearly the fact was; that Jaime was captured. She could feel the anger radiating from Tywin, who for the sake of his title, remained calm but their stupid chatter was not helping.

Since it did not help with the rising migraine of hers, she decided to end this; once and for all.

"Ser Harry, you have better luck drinking from my broken cup than making peace with Robb Stark now that Joffrey has beheaded Eddard Stark or did you forget how we lost our most important prisoner?" she asked as she sat down on her chair again, a vein popping at the side of her head.

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