CXXXIII. War Council Arguments

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Great Hall, Winterfell – The North – Not long after Visenya's arrival


At last, the very first meeting of the allied houses could take place; now that every key player was present. They all gathered in the same Great Hall where Jaime confessed the truth about the Mad King and his actions all those years ago.

Once again, tables had been pushed at either side but had multiplied to fit all the Lords and Ladies that represented their Houses in the Great War.

The main table at the centre and head of the room was once again occupied by Daenerys, Jon, Brann and Sansa with the councillors of the Mother of Dragons standing by her sides. Arya had chosen to remain in the corner, closer to the shadows and was standing next to Brienne; partially hidden by the tall woman and Theon.

Samwell Tally had also been present, closer to John but his eyes were mostly kept down; since he could feel the sharp glares of his father and brother from their respected positions. Truth to be told, Sam was not sure when and how to address them but he knew he could not be running away from them forever, or keep avoiding them. Eventually, he would have to face them.

At the right side of the room, the tables had been pushed next to one another as all the Northern House Lords, Tormund, Yggrite and those of the Riverlands had taken their seats. Lady Mormont was the only female and also the youngest to represent her house, but her face might be the most judging one amongst everyone from her fellow Lords.

Across from them, at the right side of the room, the tables were filled with the Lords and Lady and Prince of their allies. Visenya sat with Tywin by her left and Oberyn by her right, being the closest to the central table. Kevan, Loras and Lord Mace sat on the other side of Tywin while Jaime and Trystan remained standing behind their parents respectively.

The other Southern Lords were occupying the seats at the rest of the table with their children or most trusted advisors standing behind them.

It was, perhaps, the very first time in years, if not decades, that all Lords of Westeros were present in the same room. Almost all since the Greyjoys had refused to participate despite the best tries of Theon, making it clear that his family no longer saw him as worthy.

Needless to say, the tension in the room was thick and anyone could see it. Seated across from one another, glares were sent by the majority of the Lords. There was a lot of bad blood amongst them, lots of death caused by both sides and none were too willing to forget.

Some Northerners like the Lords of the Vale were glaring at the Lords of the Stormlands since once upon a time they fought side by side for Robert and now had pledged their allegiance to opposite leaders.

The Lords of the Riverlands had a similar hostility towards the Lannister Lions but also the Tyrells since it was their soldiers that burnt and destroyed their land during the war of the five Kings; although that was mostly the Lannisters.

The Dornish seemed to be the only ones that did not openly hate someone but there were glares and looks sent towards Tywin but also the Stark Children, due to the past that sealed Elia's fate.

The ones that truly seemed not in the mood to argue or bring back past actions, were certain individuals like Visenya, Barristan, Jon, Tyrion and even Sansa. All understood where the hostility was coming from but they also knew that it would get them nowhere, especially with the enemy advancing and covering ground day by day.

In the end, Jon decided to try his best and get the attention of everyone; hoping that if they focused on the real threat and the reason behind their alliance, it would prevent unnecessary bloodshed between the Lords.

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